dare to dream

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Independence Day

Happy Merdeka Day guys! so how you guys holding up? as we all know, the independence of Malaysia is different from much of the independence of other countries. what makes it so different? it is a peaceful independence achieved by holding talks with the British. no other country has ever done that before Malaysia. additionally, the Malaysian independence was realised by three people with different culture and religion. it is amazing how independence was gained that way. on the glorious day of 31 August 1957, Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman proudly declared the independence of Malaya (now Malaysia) by shouting out "Merdeka” seven times at the Merdeka Stadium.

since that day onwards, the people of Malaysia promised to renew the political, economical and social structure in order to reduce the gap among the society. it is no easy job as there are many challenges ahead. the independence became unstable when the 13 May tragedy occured, caused by racial conflicts. fortunately, the problem was overcomed immediately, ensuring the independence is unjeopardised. measures are taken but success comes from individuals. how one acts can affect the whole nation.

as time flies, the danger seems to have extinct, but it lurks beyond the naked eyes. younger generations tend not to bother the importance of independence anymore, not only in Malaysia but other countries as well. this would cause them to fall prey to the superpowers. colonization could happen economically and even socially in some parts of the world. independence should be maintained no only externally, but also internally into the minds of the people. the effects of this agenda which may jeopardise our independence could be our lack of learning, egoism, seggregation and political struggle. if this phoenomena worsen, the independence will extinct.

therefore, we, as the younger generation and citizens of Malaysia, must protect our country from any harmful sources. we should work hard together to gain superiority and not to be left behind. though education plays an important role, but it will only be successful the people are willing to contribute and sacrifice. the quality of independence is indirectly proportional to the action taken by its people to maintain and strenghten it.

independence is not a joke. when it's gone, it's the end. if that happens, we will suffer a lot from humiliation and discrimination. we don't want history to repeat itself. therefore, we must always be prepared to protect our country. we must endure the saying “from the fall of Malacca, we raise Malaysia!”.

Malaysia will celebrate its 49th independence day. let us all hold our hands, celebrate it together and pray for the longevity and prosperity of our motherland. we all should let out our voices by shouting “Merdeka!” and enjoy together all the hard work our forefathers have done for us. Malaysia will continue to be an independent country till the end of the world. long live Malaysia! as for me, i'm just too tired to join some of my colleagues who want to celebrate the eve of Merdeka Day at several places in KL tonite.

the 2 days seminar at Jusco Wangsa Maju that ended 2 hours ago was fun but the long-hour sessions made my "brain" exhausted. there were a lot of brainstorming classes and discussions but overall, the outcome was outstanding! it's like being a new person with lots of motivation. i just need a good rest tonite before heading back to Seremban 2 tomorrow morning. by the way...i just bought a new DVD movie that i'm going to watch tomorrow nite. it's an Indonesian movie (as usual...hehehe) and the title of the movie is "Brownies". i have to admit that everytime i'm planning to buy an Indonesian movie (VCD or DVD), my heart will definitely beat like a drum eventhough it's just a plan! i rasa excited gila! kalau movie omputih ni dah tak ada rasa apa dah! hahaha...

before i log off...i would like to thank Mr.Wakayama Kazunori for being a good boss! eventhough you do not know the existence of this blog but as a good employee of AEON company, i feel so lucky to work under you and i hope your contract will be extended for at least one more year ( he's been in Malaysia for 5 years now). someday, somehow, somewhere...if i become a very big boss and hold a high position like you, i will treat my staff as good as you treat myself right now.

ok guys! take care and gudnite!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

pain killer?

hi all! i know there are millions of music lovers out there. but in western countries, a lot of musicians/artistes are drug addicts. is this some sort of stupidity/immorality or the trendiest culture among them? well...more to stupidity i guess. it's funny to think of certain lunatics who destruct themselves slowly by subscribing syabu, heroine etc...

well...let's talk about smashing pumpkins. i love this 'now-defunct' band. even Kurt Cobain admired this group so much and had invited them to collaborate with him in one of Nirvana's albums. 1979 is actually one of my favorite songs! so enjoy the video guys! but wait...it takes more than 15 minutes to upload the video so be patient ya. and the worst part is, this video will stay in my blog for only 2-3 days i guess. so to all Smashing Pumpkins fans, rock on!

smashing pumpkins -1979

Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Red Devils!

hail! hail! Manchester United! and the Red Devils are on the right track! it's great to see how Man. United fought back when they won at Watford's arena yesterday. Saha, Giggs and Ronaldo were as great as usual. let's give Chelsea a run for their money. haha...kudos to all Man.United players. Chelsea have been great for 2 or 3 seasons only but Man United have been great and fully consistent since what...60's? ya right! the Bobby Charlton era! well...eventhough i'm not a Liverpool fan, i have to admit that they are also a great team with great achievements. but i've been a Man United fan since i was small and have been supporting them thru ups and downs. a real supporter will always stand by his team no matter come rain or shine, right? and i've done that. to all Man United fans...you guys rule!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

the best korean drama ever!

Winter Sonata

first of all...i have to remind all of you that this video will stay in my blog only for a short period of time. i don't know how long but approximately 1-2 days i guess. sorry guys! but anyway...the reason why i choose this song is because i am a big fan of the drama. Winter Sonata is by far, the best Korean drama ever! the story is very interesting (and touching too!). no wonder millions of Malaysian people were glued in front of their tvs everytime the drama was on air! ok guys! enjoy the song ya. even jalan cerita dalam video ni pun dah buat i sedih banget nih! hehe..gotta go...gudnite!

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Samsons

Kenangan Terindah

hi juga! i received a special request from Sue (via email) and she asked me to choose this song from The Samsons - Kenangan Terindah, i think the best solution is to choose both songs and give my best performance for that event. for your info, The Samsons is the latest hit group from Indonesia and the members of the group are all full time students at one of the prestigious universities in Indonesia. their current album has successfully reached 1 million unit in Indonesia alone and for a new band like The Samsons, i consider this as a great achievement. the band has also been voted as the most outstanding new band in that country by Kompas magazine. brilliant! well..enjoy the video guys and trust me for those who are not into Indonesian music/groups whatsoever, you guys will definitely fall in love with this song. i won't include the lyrics this time sebab dah memang ada dalam video ni. the video is about a couple who broke up over small issue but then they realize that they still love each other very much. by the way...this video will appear in this blog only for a short period of time. but nevermind..if you think the song is cool and catchy, go grab their album now! till next issue folks! au revoir!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Reena's property!

Benci Bilang Cinta

i received an email from Reena and she asked me to upload a video from her favorite Indonesian band, Radja. wah! gue juga suka banget sama Radja. hehehe...well, i have chosen a video from Radja's latest album and the song is Benci Bilang Cinta. this song is currently at number 6 in ERA's weekly chart. to Reena: i'm not sure how long this video will appear in my blog but i hope you will like it. but i just want to remind you that the uploading process will take some time before you can enjoy the video/song. so be patient and thanks for visiting my blog Reena! au revoir!

Thursday, August 03, 2006


simple plan - perfect

life is good, isn't it? come rain or shine..we have to admit that life goes on and we have to be strong all the time. so here i am. i'm sleepy right now and almost fall asleep. by the way..to Nadiah Radzidin, did Yusof Islam (Cat Stevens) really come to Denver, Colorado? if he did come, could you send me photos of that event (via email). or at least a photo of your hubby and you to be uploaded in my blog. if you have any amazing photos about Denver, could you share them with us? it would be great, right? well...if you don't mind lah. ok guys! here's a video from Simple Plan and i hope you guys will like it. this video will appear only for a few days so rock on dude! goodnite folks!

another day in my life

peterpan - mungkin nanti

i woke up this morning feeling fresh and ready for work. alhamdulillah, umur gue kok masih panjang. gue masih diberi peluang untuk menikmati kehidupan yang indah banget ini. hehehe..sampe bila yok? gue gak tahu. kayaknya, gue lagi harus konsentrasi dan harus coba improvasi diri gue. gue pengen jadi yang terbaik. seperti Peter Pan mungkin? oh ya..bicara tentang mungkin, video ini judulnya Mungkin Nanti dari kumpulan yang popular banget di Indonesia. gue harap temen temen gue bisa terhibur dengan lagu ini. bisa dinikmati saat liburan ya. ok dong! gue harus pergi ni. oh ya...gue harus ingatin kamu semua tentang video ini yang hanya bisa muncul dalam blog gue cuma untuk sementara aja. bila sampe saat nya, video ini gak bisa diliat lagi. jadinya, semoga terhibur selagi video ini masih ada. sampe ketemu lagi...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

it ain't over till it's over...

A Shoulder To Cry On

i went to KL just now and all of a sudden i had this weird feeling about this city. don't get me wrong. bila dah lama tak pergi KL, rasa bosan pulak dengan problem traffic ni. hehehe...i don't know why i prefer to shop at MidValley or One Utama instead of KLCC. even my friends who work in KL area agree with me. PJ, Subang and Puchong area are still "manageable" where you can still find "peace" in certain areas. but if you ask me what is the best location to call home, i'd say Putrajaya. or maybe i can include Shah Alam too. if you go a bit south, i think Bandar Seri Putra, Bandar Baru Nilai or Bangi area are good locations to settle down. i prefer Kelana Jaya i guess. but it's too early to decide now. ok guys! gotta go now...oh ya...enjoy the song/video from Tommy Page - a shoulder to cry on. one of my favorite songs 12 years ago. hehehe... so enjoy while you can dude!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

meet the Queen!

a lot of my friends have been asking me who's the responsible person that introduced me to this blog world. at first, i just wanna keep it as a secret. but after receiving the same kind of question so many times, i guess it's time for me to introduce to you guys who's the lovely queen is.

her name is Nadya Shahabuddin and you guys can visit her blog at www.nadya-s.blogspot.com.
she's one of my best friends and she's very down to earth too! she's a beautiful person (please refer to my very own chart "20 most gorgeous women on earth" that you can find in May issue.) and also an IT specialist, working in Cyberjaya.

she's a part-time photographer and she's really good at photographing. check out this website www.4associate.com and you'll understand what i mean. if any of you guys need a professional photographer for special events (wedding, gathering, birthday events...), just log on to the website and you guys will know how to contact her or her good buddies (who are also professional photographers).

furthermore, for those who have never been to London, let's feel what Nadya had felt and experienced during her vacation in London. log on to www.road2london.blogspot.com. so guys! it's time for me to unwind and for those who have been sending good comments to me via email, i really appreciate it! if you guys want to request any videos to be appeared in my blog, just tell me the name of the song and i'll try my best to upload the video so that we can enjoy it together. till next time...