dare to dream

Thursday, August 03, 2006


simple plan - perfect

life is good, isn't it? come rain or shine..we have to admit that life goes on and we have to be strong all the time. so here i am. i'm sleepy right now and almost fall asleep. by the way..to Nadiah Radzidin, did Yusof Islam (Cat Stevens) really come to Denver, Colorado? if he did come, could you send me photos of that event (via email). or at least a photo of your hubby and you to be uploaded in my blog. if you have any amazing photos about Denver, could you share them with us? it would be great, right? well...if you don't mind lah. ok guys! here's a video from Simple Plan and i hope you guys will like it. this video will appear only for a few days so rock on dude! goodnite folks!

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