dare to dream

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

meet the Queen!

a lot of my friends have been asking me who's the responsible person that introduced me to this blog world. at first, i just wanna keep it as a secret. but after receiving the same kind of question so many times, i guess it's time for me to introduce to you guys who's the lovely queen is.

her name is Nadya Shahabuddin and you guys can visit her blog at www.nadya-s.blogspot.com.
she's one of my best friends and she's very down to earth too! she's a beautiful person (please refer to my very own chart "20 most gorgeous women on earth" that you can find in May issue.) and also an IT specialist, working in Cyberjaya.

she's a part-time photographer and she's really good at photographing. check out this website www.4associate.com and you'll understand what i mean. if any of you guys need a professional photographer for special events (wedding, gathering, birthday events...), just log on to the website and you guys will know how to contact her or her good buddies (who are also professional photographers).

furthermore, for those who have never been to London, let's feel what Nadya had felt and experienced during her vacation in London. log on to www.road2london.blogspot.com. so guys! it's time for me to unwind and for those who have been sending good comments to me via email, i really appreciate it! if you guys want to request any videos to be appeared in my blog, just tell me the name of the song and i'll try my best to upload the video so that we can enjoy it together. till next time...

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