dare to dream

Monday, May 29, 2006

the reject shop

i went to The Reject Shop yesterday to buy a few long pants to be worn at the office during this one month training period. i'm quite satisfied with the quality of the clothes/apparels etc. the products are not only cheap guys but also quite attractive. i still remember those days when The Reject Shop didn't sell as many attractive tshirts, jeans, pants as it should be. eventhough the concept was cool at that time, The Reject Shop still lacks of consistency when it comes to up-to-date fashion. but everything is different now. i'm not sure about other shops but the one at Jaya Shopping Centre in PJ has provided not only cool products in affordable price, but the staff has given me one heck of a good service too!! to all staff at The Reject Shop, Seksyen 14 branch...i would like to thank all of you for giving me an outstanding service and i hope you guys will stay in this retail industry as long as possible. flame on!

Saturday, May 27, 2006


eminem (born, Marshall Bruce Mathers III) is one of today's most controversial and popular rappers, i guess. he currently lives in Clinton Charter Township, Michigan in the outskirts of Detroit. brought to fame by rapper/producer Dr. Dre, eminem is perhaps best known for being one of the most successful rappers in the industry. he is noted for his ability to change his own verbal pace ("flow") and style multiple times within one song without losing the beat.

he is also infamous for the controversy surrounding many of his lyrics. Critics have accused him of being homophobic, misogynistic and excessively violent, though his actions (such as support for the Humanitarian response to the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and Boys and Girls Club, and performing with artist Elton John) may suggest otherwise. In the song "Mosh", eminem speaks out against the Iraq conflict, violence and President of the United States George W. Bush. eminem also speaks out against violence amongst rappers with his remake of Toy Soldiers, and he supports the Leary Fire Fighters Foundation. Although eminem does not consider himself a militant or political artist he did have his own Hip Hop Political Convention in response to the national political conventions held in 2004. eminem's protégé, 50 Cent, reached superstardom in 2003. enuff said...

to be honest with you guys, i hate most of the lyrics that eminem has written in his songs. but when people ask me why i like EMINEM so much, i need to inform you guys that i like his songs and the catchy rap music plus the rhythm only. well...eminem is not that bad actually. eventhough he promotes foul languages whatsoever, the good parts about eminem are eminem hates gay people, he loves his children so much, he hates war and he also hates racism.

to me...i do not support eminem's bad behaviour at all, but if we think a bit deeper, he is actually much better than the real terrorists (Bush, Blair). even the white collar criminals like corporate people and bad politicians who "robbed" the poors' money for their own sake are worst than eminem. let The Real Slim Shady do the thang! when the going gets tough, the tough gets even. thanks hommies! till then...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

when pontianak attacks!

gambar di atas ini dicetak dan dibuat salinan fotostat dan disebarkan sehingga menyebabkan suasana beberapa buah sekolah di Taiping, Perak menjadi tidak tenteram disebabkan ada murid-murid sekolah yang enggan ke sekolah kerana ketakutan. beberapa saksi juga ada memberitahu terdapat juga beberapa buah kedai di Perak yang menjual gambar tersebut dalam bentuk kepingan foto.
pontianak, the most famous ghoul in the land, and also in the region, thanks to not only the stories we hear as we grow up, but also the many, many pontianak movies lately. she often appears as a beautiful woman and there will be a strong scent of ‘bunga kemboja’ (frangipani). men who are not wary will be killed and feasted upon when she morphs into an ugly vampire, but some say she also has a taste for babies and pregnant women. some people believe that carrying a sharp object like a nail could help them in defending themselves from potential attacks by the pontianak, the nail is used to plug a hole in the back of the pontianak’s neck. it is believed that when a nail is plunged there, she would revert to her beautiful self, until the nail is pulled out again. i don't know whether this is true or not but i always believe that any ghosts can be kept away from us by using Al Quran surahs/verses. only Allah can help us whenever we encounter any spooky and scary experience.

one of the Jaya Jusco's staff who used to work at Sunway Pyramid shopping complex told me during lunch hour that he happened to meet a pontianak last December at LL3 (lower level 3) at parking lot area around 12.30 midnite after he had finished counting his store's yearly stock take. he parked his car at LL3 level and when he arrived at the parking area, he noticed that his car was the only car there. when he about to enter his car, he heard someone calling his name, "sham...buat apa tu!". he turned around wondering who's calling him but he failed to find that person. and again the voice appeared but this time a bit louder. then, all of a sudden, he saw a long-haired lady sitting on the floor just 10 metres away, with a long white dress staring at him with one eye as the other eye was covered by her hair. he told me that the pontianak looked exactly like Jue On.

at that time, he realized that he couldn't move his body at all. he was scared to death as the pontianak slowly stood up. he managed to control his body and he quickly got into his car. he tried many times but couldn't start the engine. he lost his patience and screamed for help by opening the door a little bit. he started to cry because he knew he would be a dead meat if nobody came to rescue him. he tried to "azan" but he couldn't do it as his mind was totally uncontrollable. he almost passed out when all of a sudden, the pontianak appeared in front of the car bonnet laughing and screaming at him. he told me that the pontianak looked so horrible and scary. he screamed as loud as he can until he had no energy at all. but suddenly a group of security guards appeared out of nowhere and chased the pontianak. when the pontianak noticed that the guards were just 20 metres from her, she flew directly to the other building and disappeared in the blink of an eye. the guards ran to his car and asked him whether everything was ok. they tried to comfort him as sham was crying like it's already end of the world. after the situation was under control, one of the guards asked him," kamu ok tak? macam mana boleh jumpa hantu tu?"

sham explained to the guards from a to z. then the guard told him," nasib baik kami dengar suara kamu menjerit tadi. kebetulan kami kat tingkat LL2 je. ini bukan kes pertama ni. kes kamu ni sebenarnya kes yang ke 5 sejak 3 tahun kebelakangan ni. lagipun LL3 ni memang kawasan dia. kami memang selalu ternampak pontianak tu tapi alhamdulillah setakat ni kami tak kena kacau teruk teruk. cuma lima orang yang dah kena tu memang malanglah sebab kebetulan diaorang tengah sorang sorang je masa tu. kalau ramai lagi orang biasanya pontianak tu tak muncul. benda ni terpaksa dirahsiakan sebab takut orang tak nak datang shopping kat Sunway Pyramid ni. dulu masa pakcik meronda LL3 ni, tiba tiba je benda tu muncul sebelah pakcik sambil tersenyum. terus pakcik pengsan! nasib baik kawan pakcik jumpa pakcik 2 jam lepas tu."

after a long chat, one of the guards accompanied sham to the exit and after they reached the outside area, sham dropped the guard at the nearest guard post and he quickly sped off!! he told me that on the next day, he met his superior to tender his resignation. his boss was so shocked to hear his story but he tried to persuade sham to stay. but sham sticked to his decision and now he's one of the Jusco employees.

the "almost-the-same" story happened at KLCC shopping complex. but this time it happened at Isetan shopping complex around 11.30 pm about 3 years ago. an ex Isetan staff (she's now working with Jusco at HR Dept), kak zubaidah told me her scary experience after we attended the management meeting yesterday. but this time the pontianak dah tunggu kak zubaidah ni kat tangga depan lift. she even swore to me that she's not lying and it was a true story. but she was lucky when her best friends arrived on time to bring the product supplies to the loading bay. they told her that they didn't see anything. after kak zubaidah told them the whole story, they quickly left the area and went to the guard post.

well guys! after listening to those stories, i rasa i mungkin dah malas nak tengok wayang midnite kat dua tempat tu. takut beb! manalah tahu hari tu nasib tak baik dan kita lupa nak baca doa sebelum keluar rumah...maka kak ponti pun datang menguji keimanan kita, tak ke naya tu! kalau sempat azan takpalah! kalau masa tu fikiran dah kelam kabut...macam mana kan? baca doa dan surah pun dah tak betul masa tu!

oklah! i gotta go now! ingat ye anak anak...jangan biarkan kehidupan anda diselubungi MISTERI!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

what a shame!

i wanted to go to the toilet at 3 pm to wash my face. i didn't notice that i had entered a wrong toilet. a toilet that is meant for female and for female only. i didn't notice at that time and i kept on washing and cleaning my face until i heard a woman's voice talking to the phone in Chinese accent. at first, i thought there's a ghost in the toilet because i knew i was alone at that moment. i kept listening to the conversation when suddenly a Malay woman entered the toilet and screamed!! " hoi! apa awak ni! ini tandas pompuan lah!"

i immediately stunned for a few seconds until she told me,'' cepatlah keluar!! orang nak kencing ni! saya repot security guard karang!". i quickly ran to the door and before i walked out, i managed to apologize to her. i was so embarassed like hell! fortunately, there's no other people realized the incident. i wanted to go to the office but i changed my mind and decided to wait outside the ladies toilet to apologize once again. after a few minutes, that 'kakak' went out and gave me this angry stare. i called her nicely and she came to me in doubt. "ha, nak apa!"

i answered," sorry kak! saya orang baru kat sini! saya tak familiar mana satu toilet lelaki atau perempuan tadi! maaf kak! lain kali saya tak pakai redah je masuk toilet. lagipun toilet perempuan betul betul berhadapan toilet lelaki. tu yang saya tak perasan tadi. patutlah masa saya mula mula masuk tadi saya perasan tak ada satu pun mangkuk untuk tu".

and that curious kakak asked me," mangkuk apa tu? akak tak faham lah!"

entah macam mana i boleh sempat lagi buat lawak ," ala, pinggan mangkuk kak! mangkuk mana lagi". then i laughed.

after a few seconds, kakak tu realized that i was making a joke. she said,'' oh! itu mangkuk orang kencing. pandai kamu mainkan akak ye! tadi kata nak minta maaf! tak ikhlas lah tu. entah entah memang sengaja salah masuk toilet kot!"

i said," eh! tak lah kak! saya terbuat lawak tadi. saya ikhlas minta maaf ni. kat auntie Cina tadi pun saya dah minta maaf. lagipun saya kalau kencing tak mainlah kat mangkuk tu. susah nak istinjak nanti. maaf ye kak! sumpah lillah saya tak sengaja tadi."

but then...out of nowhere, that kakak started to laugh at me. she said," hehehe...kamu ni memang lawak lah. tak payah lah explain panjang panjang pasal kencing tu. malu la. oklah...akak nak pergi fotostat file ni. lain kali hati hati tau!"

after i apologized for the fourth time, i went to the office with mixed feelings. the conclusion is, in the future, i need to be more careful before entering a toilet. i've promised to myself that i won't let the same kind of thing happen again. till next time dude!

Monday, May 22, 2006

diandra paramitha sastrowardoyo

to dian, kamu lagi apa sekarang? gue minat banget sama kamu! gue harap kamu sukses selalu ya. kalau kangen sama gue, kamu bisa log on blog gue. selamat berkarir (career) ya! hahaha...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

the criteria of my future soulmate

semua orang yang belum berkahwin ada dream girl or guy sendiri kan? well...me too! so this time i would like to share with you guys the criteria that i hope i can find in my future soulmate:

1. a matured, down to earth person ( i hope she can click well with my family and of course i will love her family too, sincerely and faithfully)
2. fun-loving, cheerful, and love traveling ( for people who are close to me...they know how cheerful i am. i hope she can cheer me up when i'm down and i will do the same to her. lebih kurang give and take lah kan.haha..)
3. love soccer and support Man United team (optional) (haha...nak tergelak pun ada! itupun kalau dapatlah! kalau tak minat bola pun tak apa. it's not compulsary)
4. a good cook (not a compulsary condition. tahu masak maggi goreng pun i dah bersyukur. haha... in fact, she and i can learn together)
5. love watching movies (i love watching latest movies at TGV or GSC. i hope she will be around to accompany me. kalau tak dapat pun tak apa. benda kecik je)
6. a moderate and simple person (tak banyak ragam. simple all the way)
7. a caring person (everyone knows what caring is all about. not catering ye! itu dah lain dah!)
8. not a self-centered, fierce kind of person (eventhough nobody is perfect but anyone (male or female) who has this attitude should be sent to an isolated island. hahaha...)
9. a good listener (it's nice to have someone who can listen and give her ideas when you need most)
10. a good-hearted, mother-type of person (tak tinggal sembahyang except with good reason, suka kemas rumah, suka senyum, suka kanak kanak dan semua sifat yang kaum ibu biasanya ada. hehehe...)

so those are the criteria guys! mengada ngada betul i ni kan? well...recently, a husband stabbed his wife at her chest while she's breastfeeding her baby. husband macam ni pun ada. campak je orang macam ni kat Gunung Merapi yang tengah nak meletup kat Indonesia tu. tak pun jatuhkan hukuman 30,000 kali sebatan di setiap inci tubuh badan orang tu. lepas tu cabut gigi dia satu persatu tanpa ubat bius. lepas tu suruh dia lompat katak sejauh 100km tanpa henti. kalau ditakdirkan dia bernyawa lagi lepas semua hukuman di atas dijatuhkan...hantar dia ke kelas sains rumahtangga. ajar dia cara cara memasak yang betul dari Chef Wan, cara potong ayam, cara sembelih lembu yang betul dan mengikut syarak masa Hari Raya Korban, cara tukar lampin bayi, cara tidurkan bayi yang betul, cara yang betul buat susu bayi iaitu sukatan air panas dan tepung berapa sepatutnya, cara mendukung bayi yang betul, cara yang betul sewaktu mandikan jenazah, cara yang betul buat nasi lemak, cara ambil gambar yang betul, cara bertutur bahasa Arab yang betul termasuk nahunya sekali, dan yang last sekali ajar dia cara yang betul bagaimana nak menanam pokok kelapa sawit. sekian, terima kasih!!

Simple Plan

hopefully, 5-6 years from now, i can run my own business and there are few businesses that i want to make them a reality someday. insyaallah!!

1. a petrol station ( i hope my father can share his experience with me)
2. a cybercafe ( i like to visit few cybercafes in Ipoh such as I-MAX, I-ZONE or SKY ONLINE because i fall in love with the friendly service, the decoration, the ambience and the facilities that they provide. trust me...even cybercafes around PJ and KL cannot compete with these three CCs when it comes to those criteria - especially the friendly service part)
3. a fine dining restaurant (since i come from foodservice background, i hope i can apply my experiences in this industry by having my own restaurant someday)
4. a fashion boutique for trendy people (i'm not familiar with this kind of business but since i love fashion and latest hip hop attires/outfits i hope i can be a sole franchisor for Eminem, Jay Z or Puff Daddy's brand in this country. for people who work in the office and need proper and nice office attires like shirts, coats etc...they can also come to my boutique. at the same time i hope i can sell Nike, Adidas, Reebok and other sport brands in my boutique/outlet. kalau ada makcik makcik nak supply tudung atau baju kurung pun bisa diatur. pergh!!! PERASAN betul mamat ni.)
5. a specialty coffee outlet (if i have extra capital at that time, i would contact my previous boss cum founder of SFCC, Mr. Robert J. Boxwell Jr to discuss about taking part in the SFCC franchise opportunity)

well...guys! itulah dia impian impian saya. i'm looking forward to make them a reality someday. godwilling...if we all have a dream and we strive hard to achieve it, our dream can come true. just keep on praying and putting more effort on it. my friends asked me kenapa tak kerja dengan my father je. well...i love the idea but i also have my own plan. a simple plan. i want to gain as many working experiences as i can before i run my own business satu hari nanti. insyaallah! i masih rasa ada terlalu banyak lagi benda i nak kena belajar dari orang lain. so itulah sebabnya.

ok! gotta pen off now! bye!

Friday, May 19, 2006


hi all! just wanna inform you guys that i'll stop blogging for few weeks due to personal matters. please drive carefully, fasten your seat belt, be alert and stay focus ya. to my best friend Joe, "kalau ko nak hantar comment sangat, dipersilakan! jangan mencarut dalam blog aku sudah! hahaha...gurau je! takkan marah Joe! nanti aku belanja nasi daging merah ya. ok guys! take care!

10 songs i've listened more than 50 times a day

good evening guys! i would like to share with all of you the 10 songs that i used to listen more than 50 times a day. in other words, i really like these songs and i hardly feel bored eventhough i've been listening to the same kind of songs over and over again. here are the 10 songs:

1. Pudar (by Rossa - one of the famous female singers in Indonesia. her latest album has been sold more than 400,000 copies in Indonesia alone)
2. Demi Waktu (by Ungu - a rock band from Indonesia. one of the leading bands in that country right now)
3. Teman Tapi Mesra (by Ratu - a duo female group, also from Indonesia. one of the singers, Mulan is the wife of Ahmad Dhani, a vocalist cum guitarist from the famous rock band in Indonesia ever...Dewa)
4. Seperti Dulu (by Exist - i love this band. one of the finest rock bands in Malaysia)
5. Jika (by Melly Goeslaw - a famous female composer in Indonesia ( Indonesian again!! hahaha)

6. Dr. Feelgood (by Motley Crue - a rock n roll band that needs no introduction. one of the famous rock legends on earth)
7. Shut Up (by Simple Plan - i like this vibrant and energetic song. it makes me want to headbanging)
8. Bye,Bye,Bye (by a pop group NSync. man...i wonder why Eminem hates the group so much.)
9. The Real Slim Shady (by Eminem - put aside the bad attitude and lyrics -just enjoy the song ok. hahaha..)
10. Rollin' (by Limp Bizkit - this heart-pumping song is awesome!)

well...i hope i can add more songs from other famous singers and bands like Mariah Carey, James Blunt, Aerosmith, Linkin Park, Kelly Clarkson, Coldplay, Jay Z etc....but i have to stick to the limit guys. gotta fly now! flame on!

thanks Ayu!

i would like to take this opportunity to thank my best friend Rahayu for sending me amazing and exciting emails from time to time. i'm speechless! the only thing i can say is "THANK YOU!". eventhough we never meet each other face to face, i hope we can be good friends forever. thanks for the support Ayu! you have a great voice and a gorgeous heart. May Allah bless you my friend! i'm honoured to include you in my one and only chart - The 20 Most Gorgeous Women On Earth. last of all...thanks Ayu! words can't describe how lucky i am to have a good friend like you!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

life is not as easy as it is

i got a job offer from Jusco few days ago as a manager in one of the departments. since my mom still not 100% recovered from the fractured leg, at first, i was quite hesitate to accept the job offer until my mom advised me to join the Japan's leading retail company. she told me to accept the offer because my brother will start working in Ipoh next month. i know i'm gonna miss my mom a lot. at last, i accepted the offer but i promise to myself that i will visit my mom as frequent as i can. after more than 6 years with San Francisco Coffee, i have realized how important a bonus is. DON'T GET ME WRONG GUYS! i'm NOT showing off but for the past six years, i've been facing the same kind of problem every year. ROAD TAX AND INSURANCE for my car!! it costs me a lot when it comes to renewing my road tax and car insurance. BOSAN BETUL!! when the time has come for me to renew those two things...i was fortunate enough to have my own savings. IF NOT? kopaklah! credit cards, car installment, house instalment, toll, petrol, MBA monthly fees, etc...bisa bankrap gue! dahlah petrol naik. next year sure naik lagi.hahaha...

so now you know what i mean? life is not as easy as it is. the other thing that attracts me is RM 200 allocation for dental matters. fuh!! lega sikit. you know why? last year, i had to pay RM 140 just for one tooth. crazy right? the cost of living in KL is sometimes unpredictable. and it's getting higher every year. the other benefits are quite impressive too. bolehlah!

the moral of the story is...all of us need to have our own savings. it's not only to be used during critical time but also for other purposes. i really learn my lesson. stop spending on car accessories Kamal! buck up dude!! spend your money wisely. don't ever think of sport rims, cool In-Car Entertainment, whatsoever! live a simple life. boleh ke? hahaha...susah sikit kot! i love car accessories a lot. that's the major weakness i have right now.

at the same time i'm still waiting for the result of my other job applications. Sunway College is still processing my application, same goes to other few companies. at the end of the day...i need to choose only one job wisely. my mom asked me to accept the offer from Jusco first and decide the other offers later. well guys! in life..we need to choose only the best right?

as much as i love San Francisco Coffee, the fact that i need a career change has been haunting me for the past one year. i guess the time has come for me to move on and do something different. but i need to be careful. one mistake will cost me my whole life. i'm planning to get married in the near future, let's say 2 years from now (eventhough i don't have any special girlfriend at all..hahaha) but in order to be a responsible and caring husband someday, i need to start preparing soonest as possible. i have to make sure that my future wife and children have a quality life with me and they don't have to encounter any major problems. i have promised to myself that i will be as good husband as i can and i'm really committed to it. INSYAALLAH!!

before i pen off, i would like to thank my best buddies Joe, Ginola, Ashraf and Fairuz for supporting this boring blog. thanks guys!! you know what, they are the only best friends of mine who know the existence of this blog. i would let the others know soon. i malu actually!!! there's nothing to be proud of here. so i hope the others will understand. gotta go now. flame on!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

i'm a chef now!

hahaha..not a real chef actually but since i was involved in a freak accident December last year, i've been spending most of my time at home for months and i used the opportunity to learn how to cook several food recipes from my mom who's having a fractured leg due to the impact of the accident. here are the list of the food items that i can proudly say, you guys will love the outcome. hehehe..

1. Nasi Goreng Pedas
2. Ikan Masak Tauchu
3. Bihun Goreng
4. Mee Goreng Basah
5. Telur Masak Pedas
6. Ikan Masak Pedas (all type of fish)
7. Petai Masak Pedas (some people call it Tumis Petai. whatever...)
8. Gulai Nenas Campur Ikan Masin
9. All Type of Vegetables (Cabbage, Carrot, Kacang Pin...etc)
10. Cucur Udang
11. Pengat Durian (marvellous!! i love durian)
12. Pengat Pisang
13. Sup Daging/Sup Ikan
14. Ayam Rendang
15. Maggi Goreng (hahaha...it's simple actually)
16 Gulai Kari (Curry) (fish and meat)

well guys...i would like to thank my mom for supporting and encouraging me to learn how to cook and prepare foods -the right way. to all husbands out there..why not spending your free time helping your loved ones once in a while bcoz i personally think this will make your relationship with your 'isteri tersayang" even closer. good luck dudes!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

the islander

hi guys! some people ask me why "The Islander"? is there any peculiar reason behind it? well..to tell u the truth, my family and i used to live in Pangkor Island for almost 2 years. my father was the Pengetua or Principal of Sekolah Menengah Pangkor before he was transferred back to State Education Department (Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri) in Ipoh as Director of Education. during that period, i realized that i was so into beaches and sea. i loved the environment and i loved being surrounded by sea and nice views. i was so in love with the sea breeze, the trees, the white sand along the beach so on and so forth. from there onwards, i declared myself as an islander. a boring story, isn't it? when i was in UITM, my friends called me A 'the islander' C. don't ask me why. in 1995, in order to complete my Diploma, i did my internship training in Langkawi Island for 3 months, i was in semester 5 at that time. it was really the best moment i ever had in my life. it sparked my spirit and i realized that my love to sea and white beaches was even stronger than before. so that's how the story goes. gotta go now!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

10 Amazing Actors On Planet Earth

hi there! so what's the story morning glory? in my previous post, i unveiled 20 most gorgeous women on planet earth based on my honest opinion, perspective and personal criteria. well...today, i'm gonna tell you who are the 10 amazing actors on earth. and as usual...you don't have to agree with me. so here are the actors guys! flame on!

1. P.Ramlee ( he's undoubtedly one in a BILLION !!)
2. Johnny Depp ( he's different and he has acted in different kind of movies. he's truely an amazing actor)
3. Shah Rukh Khan ( among so many actors in Bollywood, i believe he's the best in his generation. eventhough Amitabh Bachan is still alive and kickin, SRK will always get my vote)
4. Jackie Chan ( he's the king of action movie. i admire his charisma and when it comes to perseverance, he's the one i always look up to.)
5. Leonardo Di Caprio ( this "Titanic" guy is really one hell of a guy!. even actors in older generation respect him so much. Tom Hanks is one of his big fans.)
6. James Dean ( this good-looking actor is truely a Hollywood legend. eventhough he died at young age due to a freak car accident, his movies has captured all big stars' attention.)
7. Mel Gibson ( what more can i say. he's not only one of the best actors, but he's also one of the best directors on earth. he's only one step behind George Lucas and Steven Spielberg)
8. Jericho Rosales ( Jericho is currently the hottest guy in Philippine. have you watched Pangako Sayo and Sanay Wala Nang Wakas? trust me...you will fall in love with his acting skills)
9. A.R Badul ( hahaha...tak percaya? well..i have to admit that he's the best comedian in Malaysia after P.Ramlee. i'm not really into Senario eventhough i do admire Azlee but when it comes to consistency, A.R Badul is the best! when i was a small kid, i loved all his movies a lot. even Aziz M.Osman, a famous movie director in Malaysia used to call him a legend)
10. Nicholas Saputra ( he's currently a leading actor in Indonesia. his movies, Ada Apa Dengan Cinta and Janji Joni have caught the attention of the movie enthusiasts not only in his country but also here in Malaysia. Barry Prima..one of the Indonesian movie legends has personally rated him as the best among the best )

Friday, May 12, 2006

tit for tat situation

hi again! my friends keep asking me why i don't upload any photos in my blog. well..the only honest reason i can give is..SORRY GUYS! I DON'T HAVE NICE PHOTOS TO BE UPLOADED HERE. at least not for the next few months. but i will try my best to shoot more photos in the near future. i'm a lazy bone kind of person when it comes to shooting photos. i sincerely don't know why. anyhow, the reason i started my own blog pun not to satisfy anyone out there. it's just for my own satisfaction. hahaha...don't mad at me dude! but keep on supporting ya. i realize many of my best friends do not notice the existence of this blog. i don't mean to be rude but to be honest with you, only few (very few to be exact) people know about it. but i promise i will spread the word when the right time has come. to all bloggers out there...keep blogging and keep rockin'!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

20 Most Gorgeous Women On Earth

hi guys! i'm gonna tell you who are the 20 Most Gorgeous Women On Earth based on my own opinion and perspective. but please be informed that i define beautiful differently and not only based on looks whatsoever but the scopes are wider and deeper than that. different people have different opinion and so am i. so open up your mind and say ahhhh. hehe...should i burst into laugh or what? well..here are the honourable candidates:

1. Monalisa Mochtar ( a best friend of mine from Jakarta. i've met her once at Jeddah

International Airport in 2004)
2. Nadya Shahabuddin ( an IT specialist and a professional photographer from Cyberjaya... she's an incomparable gorgeous woman!)
3. Dian Paramitha Sastrowardoyo ( i dream of her almost every night!!!)
4. Preity Zinta ( the most beautiful Bollywood actress ever existed. I met her face to face in
Putrajaya in 2001 when she dropped by at SFCC with Ajay Devgan-Kajol's hubby)
5. Wardina Safiyyah ( she needs no intro. my all-time favorite celebrity)

6. Darina Albakri ( i almost dropped my jaw when i incidently came across her
blog!!! she's still studying in Ireland and i swear, my mom will give me an instant approval if
she meets her in person. hahaha...am i her secret admirer or what? log on to http://darina.fotopages.com and you'll know what i mean.
7. Jessica Alba ( well...i'm one of her big fans! she's truely and amazingly gorgeous!)
8. Rossa ( beside her cute face, i like her cheerful attitude, powerful voice and everything about
her. i met her once at KLCC - in person ok! and she's so cute, has gorgeous smile
and down to earth.)
9. Marsha AF3 ( beautiful eyes, gorgeous smile, cheerful attitude, manja....and the list goes
on and on....)
10. Noraziah aka Azie ( Azie...an extraodinary gorgeous person like u deserve only the best
treatment from the the most gorgeous guy on earth...for the rest of your life. and you have
found one. God bless you my friend!)

11. Rahayu ( i've never met her actually. she has cheerful attitude, amazing voice and i know she's gorgeous at heart)
12. Marion Counter ( host of 8TV Quickie programme)
13. Hilary Duff ( perfect, cute and damn cool!)
14. Rozzana ( haha...nobody knows her except myself. should remain as a secret forever)
15. Nadiah Radzidin ( my ex girlfriend of 9 years. all ups and downs between us will remain forever. yang... i'll love you forever!)
16. Farah Adeeba ( host of Akademi Al Quran and Wanita Hari Ini)
17. Siti Nurhaliza ( she needs no intro too! the most beautiful and charismatic singer ever!!)
18. Kristin Kreuk ( i hope the spelling is correct. she's the heroin in "Smallville". cute kan?)
19. Maya Karin ( a vampire normally looks horibble and scary but she proves us wrong! hehehe..)
20. Nurul Syuhada Nurul Ain ( she's been hosting NONA for quite sometime now. ever imagine seeing a guy watching tv programme that entirely focus on women and for women only. that guy is me! and she's the only reason why i stay put in front of tv every Sunday. hahaha...)

well guys! many people would not agree with me but i strongly believe these gorgeous women are not just another pretty faces but they are truly talented, good at heart and most of all...they are undoubtedly gorgeous!!