dare to dream

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

what a shame!

i wanted to go to the toilet at 3 pm to wash my face. i didn't notice that i had entered a wrong toilet. a toilet that is meant for female and for female only. i didn't notice at that time and i kept on washing and cleaning my face until i heard a woman's voice talking to the phone in Chinese accent. at first, i thought there's a ghost in the toilet because i knew i was alone at that moment. i kept listening to the conversation when suddenly a Malay woman entered the toilet and screamed!! " hoi! apa awak ni! ini tandas pompuan lah!"

i immediately stunned for a few seconds until she told me,'' cepatlah keluar!! orang nak kencing ni! saya repot security guard karang!". i quickly ran to the door and before i walked out, i managed to apologize to her. i was so embarassed like hell! fortunately, there's no other people realized the incident. i wanted to go to the office but i changed my mind and decided to wait outside the ladies toilet to apologize once again. after a few minutes, that 'kakak' went out and gave me this angry stare. i called her nicely and she came to me in doubt. "ha, nak apa!"

i answered," sorry kak! saya orang baru kat sini! saya tak familiar mana satu toilet lelaki atau perempuan tadi! maaf kak! lain kali saya tak pakai redah je masuk toilet. lagipun toilet perempuan betul betul berhadapan toilet lelaki. tu yang saya tak perasan tadi. patutlah masa saya mula mula masuk tadi saya perasan tak ada satu pun mangkuk untuk tu".

and that curious kakak asked me," mangkuk apa tu? akak tak faham lah!"

entah macam mana i boleh sempat lagi buat lawak ," ala, pinggan mangkuk kak! mangkuk mana lagi". then i laughed.

after a few seconds, kakak tu realized that i was making a joke. she said,'' oh! itu mangkuk orang kencing. pandai kamu mainkan akak ye! tadi kata nak minta maaf! tak ikhlas lah tu. entah entah memang sengaja salah masuk toilet kot!"

i said," eh! tak lah kak! saya terbuat lawak tadi. saya ikhlas minta maaf ni. kat auntie Cina tadi pun saya dah minta maaf. lagipun saya kalau kencing tak mainlah kat mangkuk tu. susah nak istinjak nanti. maaf ye kak! sumpah lillah saya tak sengaja tadi."

but then...out of nowhere, that kakak started to laugh at me. she said," hehehe...kamu ni memang lawak lah. tak payah lah explain panjang panjang pasal kencing tu. malu la. oklah...akak nak pergi fotostat file ni. lain kali hati hati tau!"

after i apologized for the fourth time, i went to the office with mixed feelings. the conclusion is, in the future, i need to be more careful before entering a toilet. i've promised to myself that i won't let the same kind of thing happen again. till next time dude!


Anonymous said...

AC...betul ke tak sengaja ni! atau purak purak tak tahu!

Meet Encik Kamal said...

betul bai! tak pernah aku buat kesilapan macam ni.it proves that nobody's perfect!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.