dare to dream

Thursday, May 18, 2006

life is not as easy as it is

i got a job offer from Jusco few days ago as a manager in one of the departments. since my mom still not 100% recovered from the fractured leg, at first, i was quite hesitate to accept the job offer until my mom advised me to join the Japan's leading retail company. she told me to accept the offer because my brother will start working in Ipoh next month. i know i'm gonna miss my mom a lot. at last, i accepted the offer but i promise to myself that i will visit my mom as frequent as i can. after more than 6 years with San Francisco Coffee, i have realized how important a bonus is. DON'T GET ME WRONG GUYS! i'm NOT showing off but for the past six years, i've been facing the same kind of problem every year. ROAD TAX AND INSURANCE for my car!! it costs me a lot when it comes to renewing my road tax and car insurance. BOSAN BETUL!! when the time has come for me to renew those two things...i was fortunate enough to have my own savings. IF NOT? kopaklah! credit cards, car installment, house instalment, toll, petrol, MBA monthly fees, etc...bisa bankrap gue! dahlah petrol naik. next year sure naik lagi.hahaha...

so now you know what i mean? life is not as easy as it is. the other thing that attracts me is RM 200 allocation for dental matters. fuh!! lega sikit. you know why? last year, i had to pay RM 140 just for one tooth. crazy right? the cost of living in KL is sometimes unpredictable. and it's getting higher every year. the other benefits are quite impressive too. bolehlah!

the moral of the story is...all of us need to have our own savings. it's not only to be used during critical time but also for other purposes. i really learn my lesson. stop spending on car accessories Kamal! buck up dude!! spend your money wisely. don't ever think of sport rims, cool In-Car Entertainment, whatsoever! live a simple life. boleh ke? hahaha...susah sikit kot! i love car accessories a lot. that's the major weakness i have right now.

at the same time i'm still waiting for the result of my other job applications. Sunway College is still processing my application, same goes to other few companies. at the end of the day...i need to choose only one job wisely. my mom asked me to accept the offer from Jusco first and decide the other offers later. well guys! in life..we need to choose only the best right?

as much as i love San Francisco Coffee, the fact that i need a career change has been haunting me for the past one year. i guess the time has come for me to move on and do something different. but i need to be careful. one mistake will cost me my whole life. i'm planning to get married in the near future, let's say 2 years from now (eventhough i don't have any special girlfriend at all..hahaha) but in order to be a responsible and caring husband someday, i need to start preparing soonest as possible. i have to make sure that my future wife and children have a quality life with me and they don't have to encounter any major problems. i have promised to myself that i will be as good husband as i can and i'm really committed to it. INSYAALLAH!!

before i pen off, i would like to thank my best buddies Joe, Ginola, Ashraf and Fairuz for supporting this boring blog. thanks guys!! you know what, they are the only best friends of mine who know the existence of this blog. i would let the others know soon. i malu actually!!! there's nothing to be proud of here. so i hope the others will understand. gotta go now. flame on!!

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