dare to dream

Sunday, June 28, 2009

right composure....


this issue came across my mind last week. i've noticed that nowadays, some parents are so obsessed in certain things. for example, they want their children to score 15 As or at least 5 As in their SPM/SRP exam. in order to accomplish the mission, these parents are willing to do anything, including sending their children to the most expensive tuition class everyday. for wealthy parents, they will send their children abroad to do A level whatsoever. in the end, when their children fail to live up to their expectations, these pathetic parents will cry like nobody's business and start blaming their children for almost everything. i really detest this type of parents. eventhough their intention is cool, but the method that they are using is a way backward rather than a way forward.

parents should not "force" their children to learn, study or read books 24/7. this is truly unacceptable. children are human beings and not robots. bila balik sekolah, rehat kejap lepas tu terus pergi sekolah agama sampai pukul 6 petang. ini kira ok la lagi. tapi bila malam mereka kena siapkan kerja rumah pulak. lebih malang kalau ada tuisyen malam. belajar lagi. kalau parents yang agak berada sikit hantar kelas muzik atau kelas ballet waktu malam. bisa meletup otak budak budak ni. they have no life at all. on weekend, they have to attend karate class, school activities and bla bla bla bla.....

look what happened to the genius Sufiah Yusof. and look what happened to the late Michael Jackson. both of them had lost their childhood experience.

slow down parents! please be reminded that not all students with 20 As can survive all the challenges out there so easily. not all students with MBA or Phd will become good leaders or outstanding CEOs. some of them can manage 10,000 employees but fail to manage their own family.

i definitely want my future children to succeed in their life. and of course i want them to become the best student right from UPSR level to the highest level ever. but i will make sure that they achieve it naturally and "peacefully". no strings attached. no force whatsoever. my type of approach will be a bit different. i'd rather use psychological way than illogical way. for me, the most important thing is islamic education and everything that is related to it. since i'm a big fan of Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, i want my children to become pure Muslims, insyaallah. despite facing a lot of malicious accusations, his family remains one of the best examples for Malaysians to follow.

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