dare to dream

Friday, June 12, 2009


i don't know whether i should share this issue with you guys or i just keep it to myself but since this is my personal blog, so who cares anyway (hehehe...). well, please don't get me wrong. i have no intention to show off whatsoever but this thing has been bothering my mind for weeks.

i have to admit that some of my staff had openly expressed their feelings towards me which i sincerely think is not a healthy situation. i've noticed that some of them have been sending me a few "romantic" SMSes. one of them even went too far which i don't want to reveal here. i know i'm still single but i feel a bit "uncomfortable" with this kind of situation.

what should i do now? bisa pusing kepala gue kalo sering begini. apa gue harus tukarin nombor telfon gue atau gue biarin aja. waduh, gue nggak pantas hadapi semuanya.


Anonymous said...

senang aje, kalau nak layan, kala tak nak tak payah layan. kalau dia call memanjang, sound je..

Gildo Kaldorana said...

Maaf, tapi kali ini yang menang Barcelona F.C.
Kami adalah yang paling bagus dari seluruh dunia.
Salam kenal.

nadya.s said...

abang kamal.. oo abg kamal...

hhehhehehehe! adoila. :) what can i say bro?

i cant advise you dalam hal sebegini.. there are many ways to handle this kind of situation. ada cara lembut, cara kasar and cara bangang.. hehehe!

anyway, all the best kamal :)