dare to dream

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

super ego

i would like to openly apologize to some parents who think that i have gone overboard in my previous post. but at the same time, i want them to understand that it is wrong for us to use the "harsh" way in educating our childdren, no matter how noble our intention is. eventhough we want our children to succeed in their life, the word "success" alone is too general to be defined by all of us. if some parents think that success is measured by how many As that their children get in their UPSR, SPM and SRP exams, then they are totally wrong. if they also think that success can only be achieved by "forcing" their children to study 24/7, then i pity them with all my heart.

dear parents, please be kindly informed that life is too short for super egos. we should put our differences aside and work towards better achievement but in a better way. if we want to compete with others just for the sake of our ego and pride, i'm afraid that our children will be the victim of this scenario. so think wise, think twice!

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