dare to dream

Monday, June 08, 2009

fast and furious

i'm racing against time actually. i was just informed by my GM that i'll be handling the IKS Dagangan project at Linkbridge, KLIA Level 2, effective from last week. i have less than a month now. how am i supposed to get all the suppliers in a short period of time? i have met few suppliers last week and i'll be meeting a few more suppliers this week. i'm quite disappointed with my GM actually. i'm not a fan of last minute decision and this project is damn huge. well, considering the fact that i just joined this company, she shouldn't let me handle everything on my own. macam nak lepas tangan je. the funny part is, she didn't tell me everything, i mean, she should "hand over" all the information that she has, to me. the one and only me.

i've met her recently and voiced out my "dissatisfaction" about this matter but i guess, she's living in her own world. nak "sound" pun ada. but i have to know my limit. i'm a new kid on the block here where patience does matter. i'll be having a discussion with Ku Puan (Dato' Seri Diraja Tengku Sharifah Azwan) and her husband Tengku Halim tomorrow at 10 am. there are few things that need to be highlighted. as far as professionalism is concerned, i have to pull myself together and be as tough as possible.

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