dare to dream

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

when good thing tastes bad


i am a big fan of laksa. i can eat laksa 3 times a day. or even more than that. last year, somewhere in October i guess, there's a stall opened near my brother's house, selling laksa and nasi ayam. the stall belongs to an old man fondly known as Pak M. man, the laksa tastes damn good! but some things are not meant to be forever. early this year, as usual, i dropped by at the stall to enjoy the delicious laksa. i was so shocked to see Pak M and his old friends looking at the result of MAGNUM 4WD (four wheel drive..hahaha) and they were so busy "forecasting" the number that they believed gonna hit the jackpot. i was like," mak ai! orang-orang tua ni! dah nak mampos pun gila main judi lagi!". i apologize for the harsh words but i couldn't believe my eyes and quickly left Pak M's stall in the blink of an eye. until now, i can only "watch" the delicious laksa from far because i know i can never visit the stall again, not in a million years. if Pak M can guarantee that all the ingredients that he buys are "halal" and do not come from the gambling activity, i will definitely reconsider and make a big comeback to his stall. but nothing is certain. so let the situation remains this way. mmm....can i get a glass of green tea, please!

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