dare to dream

Monday, May 25, 2009

when dreams do come true


15 years ago, when i did my internship training at Subang International Airport, i was so amazed with the environment (externally and internally) especially when i was stationed at the international departure hall. at that time, i was so naive and everything was so new to me. after 3 months at SIA, i continued my internship training at Rebak Marina Resort, Langkawi. but before i left Subang International Airport, i told myself that somewhere, somehow, someday, godwilling, i would like to work "in" the airport, at least once in a lifetime.

and 15 years later, Allah swt has approved my wish and now here i am, working and walking inside and outside of the KLIA and LCCT areas like nobody's business. i sincerely thank Allah swt for this opportunity. it is truly a privilege to walk around the satellite building freely. i truly enjoy the environment within KLIA and the feeling of exclusivity makes me wanna stay here forever. hahaha..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats bro! boleh la tangkap sorang stewardess!