dare to dream

Monday, May 25, 2009

when dreams do come true


15 years ago, when i did my internship training at Subang International Airport, i was so amazed with the environment (externally and internally) especially when i was stationed at the international departure hall. at that time, i was so naive and everything was so new to me. after 3 months at SIA, i continued my internship training at Rebak Marina Resort, Langkawi. but before i left Subang International Airport, i told myself that somewhere, somehow, someday, godwilling, i would like to work "in" the airport, at least once in a lifetime.

and 15 years later, Allah swt has approved my wish and now here i am, working and walking inside and outside of the KLIA and LCCT areas like nobody's business. i sincerely thank Allah swt for this opportunity. it is truly a privilege to walk around the satellite building freely. i truly enjoy the environment within KLIA and the feeling of exclusivity makes me wanna stay here forever. hahaha..

Sunday, May 24, 2009

decent life

i realized that i had not officially informed some of my close friends that i am not an AEON staff anymore, effective from 1st of May. well...i just joined a new company called Corak Rentak/Choc Station Sdn. Bhd. for more info, you guys can visit www.madeinmalaysia.com.my.

i'm currently based at KLIA and have to take care of outlets at both KLIA and LCCT. this company belongs to a royal family of Kelantan and Perlis. i will explain more about my current employer in my next post. mmm...i have to admit that better salary package, better perks and benefits plus better prospect are some of the reasons why i had made up my mind to leave AEON (of course i have few personal reasons behind my back...hehehe). i'm not sure whether this is the best decision i've ever made but since life itself is a risk, who am i to argue. insyaallah everything will be just fine.

anyhow, to Rahayu, Sarimah Sari, Ahmad Tarmizi (Sape), Puan Laila, Lennon Tan, Dayang Khaminah, Kathleen Tay, CN Izani, Azhar Salleh and Jusco Bukit Raja staff, i would like to thank all of you for the birthday wish and God bless all of us forever.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

when good thing tastes bad


i am a big fan of laksa. i can eat laksa 3 times a day. or even more than that. last year, somewhere in October i guess, there's a stall opened near my brother's house, selling laksa and nasi ayam. the stall belongs to an old man fondly known as Pak M. man, the laksa tastes damn good! but some things are not meant to be forever. early this year, as usual, i dropped by at the stall to enjoy the delicious laksa. i was so shocked to see Pak M and his old friends looking at the result of MAGNUM 4WD (four wheel drive..hahaha) and they were so busy "forecasting" the number that they believed gonna hit the jackpot. i was like," mak ai! orang-orang tua ni! dah nak mampos pun gila main judi lagi!". i apologize for the harsh words but i couldn't believe my eyes and quickly left Pak M's stall in the blink of an eye. until now, i can only "watch" the delicious laksa from far because i know i can never visit the stall again, not in a million years. if Pak M can guarantee that all the ingredients that he buys are "halal" and do not come from the gambling activity, i will definitely reconsider and make a big comeback to his stall. but nothing is certain. so let the situation remains this way. mmm....can i get a glass of green tea, please!

Monday, May 18, 2009

i'm drowning.....

My Memory

this is undoubtedly the hardest challenge ever but this time, i'm not sure whether i can face it alone. i'm drowning. really. i've been facing this "critical situation" since December last year and at times, i feel like raising a white flag, hoping for someone to come over and save me from this extreme sadness. only God knows how i feel and i thank God for being there for me, all the time, always. i've tried...with all my heart. and i will keep on trying. there are few people that i need to mention here and i thank them for everything. for these people who have given me clear guidelines, positive views and undivided support, God bless em all.

1) Nadiah Radzidin
2) Nadya Shahabuddin
3) Siti Nadia Ilyani
4) Ustaz Ismail
5) Ustaz Azizi
6) Ustaz Azarudin
7) Ustaz Zakiman
8) Abang Lan
9) Professor Dr. Zaid
11)Syeikh Solihin Al Haj
12)Ustazah Nurul Ain
13)Dr Rizal and Dr Abdul Rejab
14)Tuan Haji Idris
15)Ustaz Nawawi
16)Ustaz Ridhuan Al Hafiz

Well guys, you know who you are. i'm speechless. totally mute. i feel like i'm missing the most important person in my life....like crazy. anyhow, i got 2 words for all of ya...THANK YOU!