dare to dream

Thursday, March 01, 2007

samantha: send this loser to North Pole , please!

all of a sudden, i detest a woman (a lunatic, crazy and a monkey in disguise) named Samantha. don't ask me who she is. thank God she already left Jusco for good. she did not report to me but she has been a complete nuisance for the past 1 month. whenever she wanted to make a complain, she would make a "monkey" noise and email to all top management in my department. her intention was noble, but the implementation was rather stupid. i apologize for being rude but have you guys ever felt of giving a hard kungfu kick to anyone before? well...if she's a man, she would definitely gonna feel the hardest kick ever!
if she had any problem with my managers, why didn't she inform me politely? did she think i would not take action because most of the managers are my ex-colleagues? and had she forgotten that all managers report to me? in other words, i have the right and authority to solve any issues...using Jusco way!! not her way. and of course i would follow all Jusco procedures.
i noticed that she always had the intention to undermine or belittle my managers. who the f**k is she? she's not even a manager? her grade is lower too. the way she complained about my managers were very rude sometimes. she always used the "f" word just to show her dissatisfaction towards my managers (over a small thing). had she forgotten to whom she was talking to? hello...i'm the Operations Manager here. so please show me some respect, ok! fortunately i managed to control my anger (eventhough i actually felt like throwing a big chair to her).
last week, this monkey made noise again. i know she was right. i admit it. but did she need to tell everybody all the time. how about sending all emails to our Managing Director or Executive Director after this? alang alang nak tunjuk bagus, baik email kat Prime Minister terus. sikit sikit nak cc email ke GM. macam budak budak! what was her real intention, actually? and again she forgot that she could always tell me or report to me about my managers. I AM A JUST LEADER. i do not simply listen to rumours or take things lightly. just report to me and your job is done! as simple as that! and of course i would take action and have a thorough investigation. it seemed like she wanted to kill my managers' career. diri sendiri pun tak bagus! nak complain lebih lebih! have a nice day in hell, loser!
samantha...i know you will never come across my blog (because you are too slow, too dumb or too racist, i guess) but do me a favor, will ya! stop being a loser and wake up! you have become an evil since last month. unfortunately i know you will continue being an evil forever! and for that, i pity you.
but someday if you wanna become an "angel", please change your attitude, be professional, respect other people and stop being a monkey, ok! because even a monkey is thousand times better than you! period.
* dear readers: sorry for being so rude this time. i guess, this blog is the only place for me to express my anger. i'm just a human being, remember?


Anonymous said...

sabar Bung..

Anonymous said...

hehehe..been in that situation & feel like "penyek & perah" that person's head, ada pun no use right? -maya- (or should i change my name to evilmaya? :-P )