dare to dream

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Jakarta On The Rocks!

last nite, i had a strange dream. a dream that i sincerely hope can become a reality someday. man....it was the weirdest dream ever! rasa macam betul betul berlaku! in that dream, it started off with me, standing in a hall within KLIA, alone. all of a sudden, i realized that i was holding a flight ticket to Jakarta! i was so happy like hell! i knew that at last, i would have the chance to meet the one and only Monalisa Mochtar (the last time i met her was at Jeddah International Airport somewhere in 2005 after performing umrah). and then, out of nowhere, i heard an announcement saying," kepada penumpang penumpang penerbangan ke Jakarta, penerbangan anda akan berlepas setengah jam dari sekarang. sila tunggu di dewan pelepasan. terima kasih!"
i quickly ran to the departure hall and saw one of the officers smiled at me and asked for my flight ticket. and then i heard someone said,'' welcome aboard, sir?" to cut a long story short, i arrived at Jakarta International Airport (I didn't know the name of the airport actually), somewhere in the evening. i was so amazed when everyone was talking in the kind of language that i always love to hear ," apa om sedang menunggu seseorang? apa saya bisa bantu om?
hahaha....i was laughing all along and at the same time i was looking for Monalisa's business card, the only "map" that can bring me to her. i was planning for a surprise visit to her office, somewhere near Kwitang. all of sudden i heard someone said," Kamal, bangunlah! tak nak sembahyang Subuh ke?" i started to turn around but saw nobody behind me. and again the same voice with the same instruction appeared. but this time a bit louder. "Kamal! tak nak kerja ke? hari ni hari Isnin. jalan pagi pagi dah jam. baik bangun cepat!"
i slowly realized that it was just a dream when my big brother, Sham switched on the light and asked me to take a bath quickly as it was already 6 am. i swear to God that the dream was like a reality. i could still hear someone said," lekas om! mobilnya sudah ada. apa tungguin lagi?"
hahaha....what a dream! well...if you guys give me a free flight ticket to Disneyland, i would happily reject the offer because for me, Jakarta has something that i can hardly explain, which is so instrumental to my heart. is Monalisa my soulmate? only God knows. at the moment, i'm still a bachelor and i guess, i don't want to settle down yet. i have so many things to do this year. and of course, my parents are more important than anything else in this world. till then!


Anonymous said...

may your dream comes true.

Anonymous said...

Ahaaa…u have updated your blog :-D

dreams..it can be really nice or ottherwise.anyway,hope your dream comes true, Insyallah.
To answer your doubt, we do not know each other but I love to read, I’m glad to have 3-4 blogs in my list to “check it out” regularly. Since I do not have writing skills, I sincerely admired yours. All the best to you –maya-