dare to dream

Monday, March 19, 2007

Kazunori Wakayama

i'm not feeling very well today. i left the office quite early at 8.30 pm (i'm so used to leaving the office at 11 pm, so it's kinda weird for me). it's a high time to see a doctor, i guess. according to the doctor, my blood pressure is ok. but i need to come back tomorrow for further treatment.
by the way, let's talk about my boss cum senior manager cum the coolest guy in my office. he is none other than Mr. Kazunori Wakayama or fondly known as Wakayama san. some people prefer the hard way in managing people but he is totally different. he treats all of us nicely and fairly. he's down to earth kind of person and very approachable too. what makes him a great leader is he knows his limit. in other words, as long as you do not cross the boundary, everything will be fine. i can safely say that he is 90% like me in terms of managing people. i like the cool and organize way. i hate the "kelam kabut" and dictatorship kind of management. i always believe that if there is a will, there is a way. a leader who thinks that by screaming at others, people will respect you, is a leader who is as stupid as donkey. we can express our anger to our staff but find a hidden place to do it. if there's no one around you, do not hesitate to raise your voice to the max. but make sure you don't go overboard! and do not get angry too often. it's not good for your health! haha..
to my boss, Wakayama san, you are undoubtedly one of the best leaders i ever worked with. if someday i have to leave Jusco for other company, i will always respect and honor you for the rest of my life. till then...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

dear secret

dear bloggers,
i just came back from my sister's wedding in Ipoh. it was a fun, memorable and happening event ever! by the way, photo Dian Sastro kat atas tu have nothing to do with today's agenda. on my way back to KL, i've been thinking about so many things. more about my life actually. i need to revive myself. it's now or never. i have promised myself that i will be a better person this year. so i will stick to my plan and strive hard to achieve my personal resolutions. by the way...i had launched my new blog last week and to my surprise, banyak banget soalan tentang Monalisa Mochtar ditanyain oleh temen temen. hahaha....some of them are curious about the status of our relationship. well..to tell you guys the truth, we used to have a special relationship before, but after few considerations, we have decided to put our relationship on hold. it's more like - wait and see kind of situation. it's the best decision both of us ever made. there's no quarrel, argument whatsoever. in other words, at the moment, i am very much a single person. however, we really care about each other. she's the closest friend i ever had. if she's destined to be my soulmate, i promise her that i will be the best person she ever met and will take care of her until the last breath of my life. but if fate tells us that we're not meant for each other, i will be her best friend for the rest of my life. i hope this explanation will eliminate any doubts among my close friends out there. i have to log off now. till then...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

i need a long holiday!

it's 9.30 pm. i just arrived in Nilai and it's still raining at the moment. i called my boss, Puan Subaidah 5 hours ago and she told me that she's holidaying in Penang for a few days. man...i need a good rest actually. a long rest! i think i deserve it. i have promised Monalisa last year that come April 2007, i will try my best to visit her in Jakarta for at least 4 days. but the only word that i gave her was "insyaallah" because based on my company's schedule this year...i don't think i will have the chance or even sufficient time to get married! hahaha...sibuk banget nih! i'm waiting for Concess Operations Manager (a newly created position) to join my department in June or July so that i can delegate some of my workloads to him/her.

anyhow, i really love my job. i can stay in the office for many hours (even until 1.30 am) or do store visit all day long. but the only problem is, as usual, petrol budget. i don't think i can visit many stores in one day. my monthly budget for petrol is RM 350. i can only visit 2 shops/stores in a day. if not....i have to increase my budget for petrol to RM 450. crazy huh! but guys! when you love what you are doing, anything is possible. gotta go now. my brother, Sham wants to use the internet connection. i need a long shower and iron my shirt for tomorrow. till then!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Taeko Motohashi

a new colleague of mine is a Japanese named Taeko Motohashi or fondly known as Hashi san. she is the Shop Training Manager in my department. she's a cute, chubby and a very polite person. well...i admire her professionalism and perseverance. one thing that i like about her is, she's a very calm person. not like some of us who always kelam kabut, sikit sikit nak melenting, perengus and bla, bla, bla....
Hashi san is a kind of person that i can work with for a very very long time. she's a fashion genius too! there are many things that i can learn from her especially when it comes to apparel and merchandise display. she reminds me of my Senior Manager, Kazunori Wakayama or Wakayama san.
he is as cool as Hashi san. both of them are very hardworking, cool and professional. two things that i admire about Japanese working culture are their passion towards job quality and also the spirit of togetherness among them. there's no gap among japanese staff and they are free to meet, chat or share any information all the time. but of course they know their limit and respect each other very much. they don't simply override, overrule whatsoever! if there are any big issues arise, they will try to solve them professionally.
back to Hashi san issue, i do not know how long i'm gonna work with Jusco (nowadays, anything is possible, right?) but i do enjoy working with her and i hope both of us can work together to meet our company's objectives. to Hashi san...thanks for everything ne!

Friday, March 02, 2007

anger management

there're two things that make me happy today. first of all, there's no more Samantha in my department and i finally managed to find and create the new format of Monthly Business Report for my managers. thanks to my General Manager, Ms. Mary Chew for the help and guidance. i received a lot of emails regarding Samantha's issue yesterday. surprisingly, 99% of the emails showed strong support to me and they even shared their personal experiences that were related to my issue. well...life has its ups and downs. and Samantha is the down part of my life. haha...

however, i received a question asking why i didn't talk to Samantha and settle this issue professionally. my answer is...dude, whoever you are, i've been talking to this evil many times before but to no avail. everytime i tried to discuss with her about any issues in a polite way, she would automatically become a "monkey" without giving me enough time to complete my explanation or question. baru nak tanya dah pot!pet!pot!pet and then she kept using the "f" word. when i told her to calm down, she would say,'' ah! aku peduli apa. aku cakap betul ma! kau tolong bagitau manager manager kau, aku nak benda ni settle secepat mungkin. i don't care how the fuck they gonna do it! "

dear readers, what would be your reaction if you're given this kind of answer by someone whose position is lower than you. c'mon! for the bad temper and hot-blooded people, sure dah sepak dah! but i managed to smile and kept cool! i talked to her nicely and asked her to be more professional when reporting any issues regarding my managers. i even advised her to lower down her voice as we're in the office at that time. orang pun dah mula banyak kat office. tak malu ke kalau orang dengar!

i still remember my manager from Seremban 2 called me up and said,'' En. Kamal, apahal Samantha tu. Cakap dengan saya macam nak gaduh je! Panggil saya pulak "kau" je. Cakap baik baik tak boleh ke?"

a week after that, another manager from One Utama said the same thing,'' Apahal Samantha tu! Cakap dengan i macam nak sound i je! Kurang ajar betul lah! Nasib baik lagi 2 minggu nak resign dah. Kalau tak i maki cukup cukup!

same goes to my manager at Jusco Cheras Selatan. he mentioned the same thing about Samantha. the only reason why they managed to control their anger is because they knew that she's going to resign soon. a week before she resigned, i did tell her to use proper words when talking to my managers. but she surprisingly answered,'' ah! aku peduli apa! kalau diaorang tak suka, nasiblah! aku nak resign dah! who the fuck cares, anyway!" i was stunned for a while! nak sound balik, kiri kanan ramai orang. masa tu macam macam benda dah keluar dalam kepala. kejap rasa nak botakkan kepala dia, kejap rasa nak mandikan dia dengan asid, kejap rasa macam nak hantukkan kepala dia dengan laptop. pendek kata...sebut je segala jenis seksaan dalam dunia ni. semua dah keluar dalam kepala masa tu.

but the only thing that make me different is (in fact, all Muslims to be exact)- as a Muslim, kita semua ada iman, betul tak? kalau tak banyak pun at least sikit. kalau Nabi boleh sabar bila orang caci maki dia dan baling dia dengan najis, sepatutnya kita kenalah contohi dia betul tak? bukan ke sabar itu separuh daripada iman. lagipun orang yang suka marah marah ni sahabat iblis. dan Samantha ni hanyalah salah satu umpan iblis nak merosakkan masa depan saya kat Jusco ni. hahaha...kesian iblis kena tipu. itulah bodoh sangat tak nak pergi sekolah. nasib baik setiap pagi saya baca ayat kursi sebelum keluar rumah. sebab tu setiap kali saya rasa nak maki Samantha je....terus tak jadi. saya cakap betul ni! dah banyak kali dah berlaku. bila nak sound je, asyik tak jadi. tiba tiba mood dah ok balik. punyalah hebat ayat Quran ni. dahlah iblis! pergi keluarkan wang KWSP la. awak tu patut dah lama pencen dah. tak serik serik ke? tak bosan ke duduk lama lama kat Bermuda Triangle tu. baik awak apply kerja dengan Jusco, lagi baik! kalau ada rezeki, boleh jadi Operations Manager macam saya, hahaha....perasan!

tak pun kerja chef kat hotel lima bintang ke. boleh belajar masak banyak makanan. saya suka nasi daging merah tau. kelas gitu, nyah! eh...masa bila aku jadi mak nyah ni! tapi pasal awak tak hensem, buruk, hodoh...ada tanduk pulak tu, baik kerja kat kandang lembu je la. boleh kawan dengan lembu. sebab lembu pun ada tanduk pendek macam awak. lagipun banyak lagi cara nak melepaskan marah ni. that's why i've decided to choose my blog as the right place to express my anger. tak salahkan? lagipun, saya ni kan manusia. mana boleh simpan marah lama lama. boleh gila wo! bila lepaskan marah kat blog ni, at least tak ada siapa lah yang tercedera kena belasah! semua orang selamat! hahaha....

well...that's all guys! let bygone be bygone! i just hope that there will be no more Samantha next time! the conclusion from my story is...i just need to be patient, that's all! tak guna marah marah ni. nanti jadi kawan Samantha ...eh, kawan iblis kang, susah pulak! relax and keep cool! eh! apasal aku guna perkataan "saya" kat atas tadi. peliknya! anyway...gudnite guys!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

samantha: send this loser to North Pole , please!

all of a sudden, i detest a woman (a lunatic, crazy and a monkey in disguise) named Samantha. don't ask me who she is. thank God she already left Jusco for good. she did not report to me but she has been a complete nuisance for the past 1 month. whenever she wanted to make a complain, she would make a "monkey" noise and email to all top management in my department. her intention was noble, but the implementation was rather stupid. i apologize for being rude but have you guys ever felt of giving a hard kungfu kick to anyone before? well...if she's a man, she would definitely gonna feel the hardest kick ever!
if she had any problem with my managers, why didn't she inform me politely? did she think i would not take action because most of the managers are my ex-colleagues? and had she forgotten that all managers report to me? in other words, i have the right and authority to solve any issues...using Jusco way!! not her way. and of course i would follow all Jusco procedures.
i noticed that she always had the intention to undermine or belittle my managers. who the f**k is she? she's not even a manager? her grade is lower too. the way she complained about my managers were very rude sometimes. she always used the "f" word just to show her dissatisfaction towards my managers (over a small thing). had she forgotten to whom she was talking to? hello...i'm the Operations Manager here. so please show me some respect, ok! fortunately i managed to control my anger (eventhough i actually felt like throwing a big chair to her).
last week, this monkey made noise again. i know she was right. i admit it. but did she need to tell everybody all the time. how about sending all emails to our Managing Director or Executive Director after this? alang alang nak tunjuk bagus, baik email kat Prime Minister terus. sikit sikit nak cc email ke GM. macam budak budak! what was her real intention, actually? and again she forgot that she could always tell me or report to me about my managers. I AM A JUST LEADER. i do not simply listen to rumours or take things lightly. just report to me and your job is done! as simple as that! and of course i would take action and have a thorough investigation. it seemed like she wanted to kill my managers' career. diri sendiri pun tak bagus! nak complain lebih lebih! have a nice day in hell, loser!
samantha...i know you will never come across my blog (because you are too slow, too dumb or too racist, i guess) but do me a favor, will ya! stop being a loser and wake up! you have become an evil since last month. unfortunately i know you will continue being an evil forever! and for that, i pity you.
but someday if you wanna become an "angel", please change your attitude, be professional, respect other people and stop being a monkey, ok! because even a monkey is thousand times better than you! period.
* dear readers: sorry for being so rude this time. i guess, this blog is the only place for me to express my anger. i'm just a human being, remember?