dare to dream

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Radiohead - Creep

some people have been asking me why i'm too obsessed with Dian Paramitha Sastrowardoyo or whether it's just a fake delusion of my significant distress (??). haha..keep guessing guys coz i have no answer for all those questions. but i must admit that i have almost 100 photos of her in my flash drive and i even have her personal email/friendster address. i'm going to invite her to my blog soon but i'm not sure whether a busy actress like her will recognise this humble blog. but who cares anyway! as a big fan of AADC,Ungu Violet, Bila Pasir Berbisik etc....i hope she will succeed in her career and i will keep supporting this gorgeous actress till...death do us part...hahaha....gudnite everybody!! sleep tight!

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