dare to dream

Thursday, November 02, 2006

an ultimate letdown!

hi people!

a dispute between Pak Lah and Tun Dr.Mahathir is no longer a surprise to all Malaysians. i'm not sure who's right or wrong but i hope this issue will end sooner than later because there are a lot of issues for our leaders to concentrate on. to our dear government/leaders, please look into these issues immediately:

1) hard core poverty in few areas in Malaysia especially in Sabah. instead of poverty eradication, it turned out to be EXPANSION of poverty. the poor people are geting poorer. the income disparity is increasing from year to year.

2) the increasing number of crime rate in certain areas. and those stupid Mat Rempits are getting bolder than ever. hey folks! shape up or ship out, ok! don't just talk and talk. you guys need to walk the talk and prove us something.

3) the cost of living is getting higher. petrol price, sugar, water tariff, electric and even interest rate in certain sectors are increasing in order to curb rising inflation rate.

4) social-problem among teenagers. man...u name it! pre-marital sex, drugs, party poopers, rempit sampai otak jadi sempit, bully and more....

5) high inflation rate - inflation rate in Malaysia should consistently be not more than 3%.

6) free education to everyone - i believe in free education for all Malaysians (at least until SPM level ). this is based on my observation actually. i've found many parents in hidden areas who still cannot afford to send all their children to school due to financial constraint. tak payah yuran sekolah pun takpa, kan? bagi je semua pelajar free buku teks.

7) improve the quality of roads/public transportation - some major roads in Malaysia especially in kampung kampung or small town areas are in a very discomfort shape. for example, even after almost a year, the MRR2 elevated highway in Kepong is still under re-construction. a friend of mine from Sabah told me that except in Kota Kinabalu, the condition of public transportation/roads in other areas in Sabah are still not up to international standard. and every year our Works Minister will give us the same kind of reason when he receives public complaints on related issues. it's time for you to retire, sir!

i have many issues to be brought up actually but the point that i'm trying to stress here is - dear leaders, either you guys shape up or ship out!

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