dare to dream

Sunday, October 29, 2006

new blog under construction!

Acha Septriasa - Sampai Menutup Mata

hi people! i've been wishing Selamat Hari Raya verbally to almost most of my friends and since we actually celebrate Hari Raya for a month, I still have enuff time to do so, right?. haha....

i'm so excited to inform my "supporters" out there that i'm in the middle of "constructing" a new blog. I cannot reveal the blog yet since i'm still in the process of learning and uploading few photos. this new blog will be a bit different because it will be more straight-forward and only some people will have the privilege to access this blog. in this blog, i will talk about politics, relationship, my personal opinion on certain issues and the list goes on and on. at the moment, this blog is only 70% completed. hopefully before end of December, the whole process can be finalised.

before i log off, i need to share with you guys a song that has been my favorite bedtime song lately. a song taken from the movie - My Heart - Sampai Menutup Mata. kalau nak tidur, i memang suka layan lagu slow slow ni. kalau 5 tahun lepas, bila nak tidur mesti layan Kitaro atau Richard Clayderman dulu. sekarang i layan lagu lagu Indon je. haha....till then....

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