dare to dream

Thursday, October 05, 2006

once bitten twice shy 2

pencinta wanita - irwansyah

sigh! at last i've moved to Seremban 2 and my new apartment is as good as ever! i love the fact that this apartment is semi-furnished, well-kept and so close to my workplace. i can just walk slowly and the whole journey will take less than 10 minutes. amazing huh! well...the surrounding is excellent and i can find some peace of mind here.

the not-so-good part is the only human being in my apartment is none other than myself! there're times when i really felt bored and ended up talking to myself. i guess i badly need a housemate! so for those who stay near Seremban area and are looking for a room to let, come and get me! hehe...guys only ye! i don't really care about the rental fee actually. it's truly negotiable. as long as i have someone to talk to, that will be more than enuff.

well...maybe it's time for me to settle down and get married kot! entahlah... before i log off, i wanna share with you guys a song that i think is catchy and simple. macam biasa la kan...sure Indonesian song punya. last of all, enjoy the song from Irwansyah - Pencinta Wanita, an original soundtrack from the movie "My Heart" and gudnite!

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