dare to dream

Monday, July 10, 2006

proud to be a Muslim!

hi again! i just read my best friend's blog (visit www.nadya-s.blogspot.com) about her exciting experience in Sabah. i've never been there but hopefully someday i will have the opportunity to land my feet in a state which is famously known as "negeri di bawah bayu".

most of you guys out there might be baffling about the topic that i'm gonna discuss here. well... i've been reading about Lina Joy's issue in the newspaper lately and please don't get me wrong. this is a democratic country. i'm proud to be a Malaysian but this proud feeling is not as big as how i'm proud to be born, raised and grown up as a Muslim. i love music, yes...no doubt about it. and i'm a fashion freak too. once in a while, i will go to GSC or TGV to watch my favorite movies where most of the time i prefer to watch the movies alone. and yes, i also hang out with my dear friends (eventhough i don't have enough time to be with them lately).

i know i'm not a perfect person but as time goes by, i realize that i need to slowly improve myself and be a better person. no one will change you unless you take your own effort to change yourself, right? as a Muslim i know my limit. i consider myself as a moderate Muslim. but i'm truly disappointed to know that a few Muslims out there can easily get distracted by hanky panky factors. hidup susah sikit dah gelabah. diaorang ingat bila minum arak, hisap dadah dan amalkan gaya hidup songsang tu dah hebatlah!

c'mon dude! life has its ups and downs. if you search high and low, in the end, the truth will always prevail. to Lina Joy...i pray to Allah swt that someday you will reverse your decision and become a proud Muslim forever. don't let small factors influence your mind. you were born as a Muslim, i hope you will die as a Muslim too. if someday you incidently come across my humble blog, i hope you will understand what i mean.

and to other rich and wealthy Muslims (especially guys), why not spending some of your money and time to perform Umrah or Haj, AT LEAST once in a lifetime! you guys have been to Paris, London, Amsterdam, Sydney, Disneyland whatsoever...but when it comes to performing Umrah or Haj, banyak sangat alasan. tapi duit kat bank beratus ribu. kinda weird, right? well...i gotta leave now. i hope blog readers (especially non Muslims) out there will not be offended by the issue here. i respect other religions as much as i respect my non Muslim friends. but i have to address a big issue among Muslims in Malaysia. i believe most of you will understand. for those who would like to oppose, i ain't got time to entertain you guys. no hard feelings ya. till then...

* to all muslims out there! i sincerely hope no matter what happen and come what may, we will unite and stick together. let's help each other and prove to other people that Islam doesn't champion any terror activities around the world. true Muslims will only fight till the last breath of their life if their rights have been abused by others. take Palestinians as good example. they fight for their right and their own land. but are they terrorists? hell no!!! we all know who the real terrorists are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i went thru your article for this post..i would say i agree with ur opinion..like i said in last comment i love the way u write ur blog..-shoot-..