dare to dream

Thursday, July 13, 2006



hi again, i was on my way to Seremban 2 yesterday when i suddenly realized that i've been listening to this song "Pudar" over and over again. well, i tried to switch to other songs and i ended up listening to a few songs by Eminem and Linkin Park. but after half an hour, i didn't notice that i've been listening to the same song again. what!! Pudar again! but i kinda liked it so i kept playing that song for another 200 times (for this month only). am i crazy or what? hahaha...

there's something about this song that makes me wanna listen to it every now and then. tak boring! some people would say," dah lah tu! asyik lagu Rossa je! tak bosan ke?" to tell u the truth, memang i tak bosan langsung! in fact, i would listen to this song almost every morning when i'm on my way to the workplace. but i have to inform you guys that this video will take a few minutes to be fully uploaded. just be patient and wait until the entire video has been fully completed. it will stop and continue by itself from time to time. the whole process will take almost ten minutes or more but once the video is ready to be played, you guys can easily repeat the video and listen to the song.

well, i herewith include the video of this song and i hope all of you will enjoy it. have fun guys!

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