dare to dream

Sunday, June 25, 2006

10 Most Admired, Honoured and Respected People

hi again! wanna know the 10 most admired, honoured and respected people (based on my personal point of view) ever existed? well...these are the honourable candidates:

1 P.Ramlee - no objection right? he's the one and only for Malaysian people

2. Tun Dr. Mahathir - he's no doubt the man who brought Malaysia out of 1998-1999
economic turmoil. he's brilliant! a leader with a great vision for his country.

3. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim - he's my true leader! he fights for justice and he really walks
the talk. i've been supporting him since i was in high school. God answered my pray when
i met him face to face in Mecca exactly in front of Kaabah in Ramadhan month 2004. i shook
his hand and gave him a big hug. he just arrived from Germany after spending few
months there. as a true Islamic leader, Datuk Seri Anwar is the man who started the idea of
Perbankan Islam, Islamic based Fund, UIA, Bank Islam, PPRT (Program Pembangunan
Rakyat Termiskin) and many more...

4. Bill Gates - the richest man on earth! he didn't complete his studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology or MIT but now...according to Harvard Business Review, he is one step ahead of Einstein and Thomas Alva Edison!

5. The Beatles - some people say charismatic leaders can be easily forgotten but not the Beatles! their songs stay forever. the story began in Harold Macmillan's“never had it so good" in Britain. it should be a fiction about: four teenagers with no more than eight O’Levels between them, running and biking and busing and busking all over Liverpool in search of new chords and old guitars and half-decent drum kit and any gig at all. they were determined to amount to something –six years later, they were the four most famous and musical men on earth, the best dressed and on a good day the most captivating people anyone can remember.

6. Diego Armando Maradona has been the greatest football player ever! to prove this, just think that the most beautiful goal in the history of football was scored by Maradona in the 1986 World Cup in Mexico against England, when he dribbled 6 English players and the goalkeeper scoring an amazing goal... just few minutes after his world-famous "Hand of God" goal, when he scored with his hand and the referee did not notice that. nobody can judge somebody else's life. even less can anyone judge such a difficult life as the one of a world-famous personality. but we must all judge Maradona for what he showed on the football fields all over the world, and we will certainly all agree that the spectacle he brought to the world of sports is something really unique and unforgettable. thanks for everything, DIEGO!

7. Muammar Gaddafi is more than just the Leader of the Libyan people. more than the leader of the struggling Arab Nation. more than the symbol of hope and freedom for the oppressed of Africa, Asia and Latin America. for he is above all the Leader of the World Revolution. a man of determination and courage who is carrying the torch of real liberty not just for his own people, but for the people of the entire world. these are not just mere words or idle praises because unlike many of this century's heads of state who have laid claim to the mantle of 'revolutionary leader', Muammar Al Gaddafi's ACTIONS and LIFE have earned him the title of Leader of the World Revolution. many men have apportioned to themselves the titles of Leader and Revolutionary but few reflect the great responsibilities of such appellations in even the smallest aspects of their lives. for me, Muammar Gaddafi or Muammar Al Qadhafi is a truly unique man, a man of a different calibre, a man whose example and thoughts inspire the struggling oppressed masses and haunts the oppressors. this is why he is loved by the people of the world but feared by the ruling exploiting cliques who know that his words and actions expose them for what they are.

8. Muhammad Ali represented the United States of America at the 1960 Rome Olympics, and won a gold medal in boxing. the medal came up missing shortly after he returned to the United States. a replacement gold medal was issued to him at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. he has inspired millions worldwide. he gave people hope and proved that anyone could overcome insurmountable odds. he gave people courage. he made fighters of us all. this is Ali and never comes another. As a Muslim, I think, Muhammad Ali has proved to others that Islam is a moderate, just and true religion. good job mate!

9. Steven Spielberg has won four Academy Awards and ranks among the most successful filmmakers in history, in terms of both critical acclaim and popular success; however, his films have also been derided as the archetype of modern Hollywood blockbuster film-making (commercialism over artistic purposes) by some of his critics. he has been nominated for six Academy Awards for Best Director, winning two of them (Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan), and seven of the films he directed were up for the Best Picture Oscar (Schindler's List won).

10. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the famous and controversial president, is a self-described "principlist"; that is, acting politically based on Islamic and revolutionary principles. one of his goals is "putting the petroleum income on people's tables," referring to Iran's oil profits being distributed among the poor. Ahmadinejad was the only presidential candidate who spoke out against future relations with the United States. in an interview with the press a few days before the elections, Ahmadinejad accused the United Nations of being "one-sided, stacked against the world of Islam. he has openly opposed the veto power given to the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. in the same interview, he stated, "It is not just for a few states to sit and veto global approvals. should such a privilege continue to exist, the Muslim world with a population of nearly 1.5 billion should be extended the same privilege." in addition, he has defended Iran's nuclear program and has accused "a few arrogant powers" of attempting to limit Iran's industrial and technological development in this and other fields. I strongly support Iran's plan to acquire nuclear technology for peace purposes because if Israel is allowed by the US to have nuclear technology, why not Iran? double standard kan? US ni kalau negara Islam asyik nak buli je. bila Yahudi mengganas dibiarkan macam tak ada apa apa. apalah nak jadi.


nadya.s said...

hi kamal,
i agree with 9 out of 10 people listed..

no2. tu.. no longer an idol since 1999 punya incident..

Anonymous said...

kamal, awak ni banyak betul idea nak bikin cerita. macam macam carta dan top 10 awak buat. but i sincerely admire your work so far. keep up the good work, dude!

Anonymous said...

Kamal, banyak banyak pemimpin, yang paling aku respek ialah Cikgu Derih (Idris)Bo Cut yang kita selalu kutuk dulu. kah!kah!kah! sebab tu sampai sekarang aku bodoh subjek Kimia. tak berkat punya pasal.