dare to dream

Sunday, July 12, 2009


i went to KLCC this morning, not to shop or hang out with my friends but to pay my post paid bill at MAXIS Centre. as usual, there're a lot of people in KLCC mall but somehow, i felt like hmmm...shopping-wise, i didn't have the "hype" feeling anymore. i only spent 10 minutes there which was undoubtedly the shortest period i'd spent at a shopping mall, ever. i've noticed that for the past few years, shopping malls would be the last venue for me to go during leisure time or on my day off.

things have changed and so do i. nowadays, i spend most of my leisure time in my bedroom, reading magazines and newspapers instead of hanging out with my friends or going to shopping malls. i'd rather lay down on my bed and read as many books as possible. i will switch on the aircond, lay down on my bed and enjoy my life to the fullest by reading magazines and books. i hardly watch tv because most of the movies or programmes on ASTRO are "repeated items". i only watch ESPN or ASTRO Supersport.

i have almost everything in my bedroom. coffee, snacks, candies, maggi...you name it (bisa gemuk gue kalo kayak gini). at nite, after Isyak prayer, i will switch on my laptop and start surfing until midnite. Youtube, Malaysiakini, Harakahdaily, AnwarIbrahim.com, Manchester United.com and Facebook are my favorite sites.

i don't have to work out or exercise anymore. i guess, i walk more than 10 km per day, to and fro, since i have to cover both KLIA and LCCT outlets from time to time. so i have enough exercise already, hehehe...

anyhow, i would like to wish "Happy Belated Birthday" to below individuals:

1) Nadiah Radzidin
2) Chut Nyak Izani aka CN
3) Siti Natrah Izanie

and to Siti Nadia Ilyani, i would like to wish you "Selamat Pengantin Baru". may Allah swt bless your marriage, and your lovely hubby and you will live together happily everafter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very interesting, thanks