dare to dream

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

i apologize for...everything i've done

dian paramitha sastrowardoyo


mmmm...i would like to sincerely apologize to everyone for some reasons. read on...

1) i apologize for not updating my blog as frequent as possible. some of my close friends have been asking me the same question from time to time again and again but after searching high and low, i just couldn't find the right answer. sorry guys!
2) i apologize for being so anti-smoker for the past few years. i even expressed my hatred towards these people in my previous post. what more can i say...
3) i apologize for expressing my disappointment (in my previous post) on certain guys who do not know how to treat their wives with respect and hardly wash their dishes after lunch or dinner. i know i've been so sarcastic on this issue but hey...it all came from my sincere heart.
4) i apologize for not supporting Malaysian music industry. i do admire some local artistes/bands but man...there are only 3 bands in Malaysia that i would definitely invest on their albums (if i have extra RM 30 in my wallet). well, the bands are Search, Exist and The Sixth Sense. Faizal Tahir? no way hose...
5) i apologize for admiring Dian Paramitha Sastrowardoyo like crazy. i know it sounds weird and i don't blame those people who think that i'm weird for being so into her. she's the best actress ever!
6) i apologize for being me. i ain't perfect but as time goes by, i feel like i'm getting stronger and tougher. i just want to live my life to the fullest.

anyhow, i thank Allah swt for giving me the strength that i badly need. i love everyone who loves me and will try to forgive those who hate me. argh....

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