dare to dream

Saturday, February 23, 2008

nurul izzah anwar


what comes around goes around. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's lovely daughter, Nurul Izzah Anwar will participate in the upcoming election. i had a chat with her at Datuk Seri's residence in Bukit Damansara 2 years ago and when i told her that i was a big fan of Radiohead (and will forever be Radiohead's loyal fan), she was surprised and told me that she had all Radiohead's albums in her room. she told me that she also listened to Pearl Jam once in a while. what more can i say? she's not only a humble and well educated person but also a good leader with strong vision for our nation. she's quite religious but moderate type of person and very open minded as well. win or lose, Nurul Izzah will definitely get my vote.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only thing you need now is to convinve 10 people who wouldn't have voted for her to vote for her. That's showing your love and respect for this excellent lady. Thanks. Nurul Izzah big fan.