dare to dream

Saturday, February 23, 2008

3 things people hate about me

wow! it's been a while huh! i've been superbusy for the past 2 months. before i jump onto my bed, i would like to share with all of you 3 things why some people "hate" me so much. read on....

1) i'm so into opposition parties

when youngsters, followers and so-called celebrities will definitely vote for Barisan Nasional (or Barang Naik), i, on the other hand will definitely vote for PKR, PAS, DAP and bla, bla, bla....funny huh! well, i know many people will hate me for this. let me tell you a true story. recently, my mum's close friend who openly wanted to introduce me to one of her daughters had immediately cancelled her "sacred" plan as soon as she knew that i'm a big fan of Anwar Ibrahim. i didn't know about this story until my mum told me last week. and for God's sake, what the heck was she trying to do actually? nak meminang i? haha, thanks but no thanks.

2) i'm a music freak

the freakest part is, just because i'm so into music, some people think that i can't read Quran properly. lantaklah labu....

3) i don't smoke

don't ask me why. i just "tak suka dan benci bau rokok". rimas dan lemas. some people think that smoking makes them look cool but for me, it makes them look "kurang cerdik". should i say more? oops! i can smell a rat here. hate me or love me.

oklah, gue ngantuk nih! harus tidur sekarang. but before that, below are the lyrics of one of my favorite songs for the month of February 2008. Backstreet's back, everyone!

1 comment:

Tulang Besi said...

Lol.. That was a really funny one, where you narrated about the incident where a marriage proposal got turned away because of your support for DSAI..
People generalise too much..
Yes, Muslims have a lot of negative image of DSAI for the kind of accusations hurled at him and his alliance with the DAP in particular.
I do not like Anwar not because of him, but rather he is too comfy with the DAP lunatics who are so outright anti-Muslim.
I would least like to see Najib as PM, but I cannot dare to see a govt with so many anti-muslim lunatics in it, who stand against anyting to do with Islam.
I only wonder how would PAS tollerate them.
My aversion to opposiotion is clearly more of a protest against rabid hate comments I hear from the nonMuslims.. Hindraf is there to exemplify.