dare to dream

Thursday, August 23, 2007

snow patrol

sorry peeps!

i have not updated my blog for quite some time due to so many tasks that need urgent attention lately. things got worst when a "syndicate" (or should i call IT hackers) stole every single ringgit of my July salary. after working so hard for a month, all i got is nothing. sedih kan? in 2006, i was informed by a few local banks that someone had used my credit cards (i have 5 credit cards) account to buy a lot of things. this culprit spent RM 3,000 on each card to buy books, clothes, electrical appliances and a few more things that i couldn't remember. wait! doesn't it sound familiar? oh yeah! it reminds me of Die Hard 4 movie.

anyhow, i would like to apologize to my sweet sister, Madihah for not attending her wedding ceremony on 18th of August last week. i wish her all the best and may Allah bless her marriage forever.

by the way, above are the photos of myself with my colleagues, Senior Manager and General Manager at NBD (New Business Development) department dinner at one of the Japanese Restaurants in KL early this month. i'm the one with the "yellow" tie. click on the image for larger photo ya.

well...i gotta go now. till then...huhuhu...

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