dare to dream

Sunday, July 22, 2007

i could have done better...

the upgrading exam that i attended recently was really a "i'm not satisfied" kind of situation. honestly speaking, my full preparation was just a day before the exam owing to hectic schedules and unavoided responsibilities. i know i could do better and how i wish i could turn back time. anyhow....it's my fault for not having a complete preparation. next year, come rain or shine, i would definitely "cuti" for a few days in order to have an intensive preparation with Cikgu Halimatul (u know who you are).

*upgrading exercise is an exercise for AEON people to upgrade their current grade to one grade higher provided they pass the exam which is conducted every year. to Cikgu Halimatul, thanks for teaching me Jusco Figure. i sincerely appreciate your help and kind assistance. flame on!

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