dare to dream

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Deena - Q&A Part 2

hi again,

i'm so tired and sleepy at the moment but my eyes are still wide open. i've been working for 12 hours almost every day and eventhough i really enjoy my job, it seems like my body just cannot take it anymore. anyhow....here are the answers to some interesting questions that had been posted to my 2nd blog by a mysterious girl called Deena early this year.

Q1) why Anwar Ibrahim? i can conclude that you are not a big fan of UMNO.

A1) to be honest with you, i've been Anwar Ibrahim diehard fan since i was small. i always know that he's a noble person and all stupid allegations that came from his political enemies in 1998 are just bulls**ts and totally fake. i would like to share my true experience with you about Anwar Ibrahim. a few months before i performed umrah somewhere in 2004, Anwar Ibrahim had just been released from prison and was in Germany to get proper medical treatment there. after a couple of months, he left Germany for Saudi Arabia to perform umrah and when i heard that Anwar Ibrahim was in Mekah, i prayed to Allah s.w.t in front of Holy Kaabah to grant me an opportunity to meet Anwar Ibrahim in person. i still remember saying these words in my prayer ," Ya Allah...Engkau lebih mengetahui apa yang terkandung di dalam hati hamba mu ini. Sekiranya Anwar Ibrahim benar benar tidak bersalah atas segala tuduhan terhadapnya, maka Engkau temukanlah aku dengannya sebelum aku berangkat ke Madinah nanti". Guess what! Alhamdulillah, 2 days before i left for Madinah, i met Anwar Ibrahim exactly in front of Kaabah when i was performing "tawaf" alone. He smiled at me and together we performed "tawaf" until we completed all 7 rounds of "tawaf". before continuing to the next process which is "saei", Anwar Ibrahim, who was heavily guarded by 10 police officers, asked me to perform "saei" with him. i was so surprised until i could not say a word. the sad part is, my sister was not there because she had completed the whole umrah process earlier. to make long story short, after we had completed our umrah, Anwar Ibrahim shook my hand and asked me to break fast with him and his wife, Datin Seri Wan Azizah later in the evening. and the rest is history. now you know why i'm a true supporter of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and i will always be with him through good and bad times.

Q1) this is my last question. what is the most scary moment in your life?

A1) you won't believe me if i say that i've met and even stood barely one metre from a ghost famously known as "pontianak" or "kuntilanak" in 1992. my friends and i wanted to send one of our friends home and we decided to walk all the way to Kampung Manjoi in Ipoh which is less than 2 km from our house area. it was about 1 am when we realized that we were lost and couldn't find the way out. in the blink of an eye and out of nowhere, we saw a woman wearing white "jubah" with long messy hair standing within one of the houses in that area. i walked slowly to her with only one mission in mind: i must ask her the right way to Jalan Tengku Hussein. when i stood next to her, i could see her white face staring at me like i was the most wanted criminal at that time. then i asked her to show us the shortest way to our destination since my friend who supposed to lead us the way had, all of a sudden, forgotten the way to his own house!!! but this "woman" did not answer my question at all eventhough i had repeated the same question more than 4 times. in fact, she turned the other way around and showed us her scary long hair. at that time, i started to realize that she's not a human being but a ghost. i quickly walked away and asked my friends to leave that area as soon as possible. thank God the ghost did not "laugh" at me because i did not want to hear her "unique" voice if you know what i mean. at last, we managed to find the right way to my friend's house and we ended up sleeping in his room because we were too scared to go back to our house. hehehe...end of story.

to Deena...thanks for your interesting questions and i wish you all the best. thank you for visiting my humble blog and i see u when i see you. by the way, above is the photo of myself and my staff at Jusco Taman Equine. as usual, i am the one with the "yellow" tie again. asyik pakai tie yang sama je kan? click on the image for larger photo ye. i better get some rest now. dah mengantuk banget nih! till then...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mak Aih..gemok nya Azhar..macam ikan buntal..heheh