dare to dream

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Deena - Q&A Part 1

Remember my old post about someone named Deena who asked me a few questions about myself? Here are some of the answers that i've given to her. Read on....

Q1) Kamal, are you really a Director of a company? I'm confused. Aren't you working with AEON?
A1) Yes Deena, i'm working with AEON Jusco as Shop Operations Manager. My father has re-appointed me as one of the Directors in his company after i have decided to quit in December 2005 due to bad car accident. Anyhow, the name of the company will remain as a secret.

Q1) You are totally a music freak. Any good reason for that?
A1) Deena, is that a compliment or what? Hehehe...yup! I'm a music freak. In fact, when i was in Form 5, i managed to name 2500 rock n roll bands around the world within an hour in one competition somewhere in 1991. I won the competition and received 30 free cassettes (it was in 1991 remember?) Well...it's just an underground competition actually. Every month i will buy at least a cd because my current job needs me to travel from one Jusco store to another. a fresh cd will definitely drive me on.

Q1) What is the latest cd that you have in your car?
A1) I bought Dewa 19's cd last month. last week i bought Maroon 5 new album and i think it's damn hot! but to tell you the truth, the latest cd that i bought was 3 days ago. it's actually a cd with few Holy Quran verses in it such as Surah Yasin, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Baqarah and more....i bought this cd at one of the shops in Nilai.

Q1) How do you describe yourself, Kamal?
A1) Well...i can safely say that when it comes to a serious relationship, i am a very loyal person. my past experience has taught me to be extremely careful in choosing someone to become a love of my life. i am not a perfect person in many ways but my imperfection has motivated me to become a good lover. we don't need a Phd to teach us on how to become a good valentine, do we?. at times, i can be a very sensitive person. i dislike people who are bad tempered, insensitive, backstabber, liar and dishonest. anyway Deena, you can also call me a soccer freak, because i'm Manchester United diehard fan and i think David Beckham is the best crosser/midfielder on planet earth.

Q1) Who are your favorite actors/actresses?
A1) I like Johnny Depp very much. He's amazing! I think i should also add Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Will Smith and Tom Hanks in my list. As for actresses, i think Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet and Dian Paramitha Sastrowardoyo are outstanding! But Deena, do you know who is the best actor ever existed on earth? He's none other than Allahyarham Tan Sri P.Ramlee.

There are more questions from Deena that i will unveil in my next post. Check it out guys! Till then...

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