dare to dream

Thursday, April 12, 2007

who cares anyway!

my close friends told me that i am completely a different person in my blog compare to when they hang out with me in real life. sorry guys! i'm just a human being and an ordinary person. the different thing is when some people choose to be more outspoken by expressing their feelings and views directly in real life, i've decided to keep some of my feelings and views in my blog rather than expressing them publicly. at times, i can be considered as a shy guy and i like to keep some personal issues to myself. i've decided not to be too "direct" because i don't wanna hurt anybody's feeling. but as a human being, if i see something wrong is going on or is happening around me, i can't stop thinking about it and will start searching for a better place to express my personal views. and my blog is the best place to do it, i guess. by the way, to my friend Ashraf (www.ashrafsinclair.blogspot.com), i received a missed call from you last week but when i tried to call you back, apasal asyik tak dapat. hehehe....busy kot!

till then....keep your feet on the ground guys! sleep tight!

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