dare to dream

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

every man for himself

hi again,

this morning before my brother left for work, he advised me not to work so hard and not to stay in the office until 11 pm everyday. he told me that he's worried that someday my body could not cope up with the burden and i might get serious illness. i told him that there's nothing much i can do at home. it would be the same old situation day in and day out. but i thanked him for the advice and i told him that i would slow down a bit from time to time. to tell you guys the truth, i consider myself as a workaholic person. i love my job and i am so fortunate to have so many good colleagues and bosses around me. in fact...i have so many things that need to be completed as soon as possible. my managers need my help and guidance and i've gotta be there when they need me the most.

last week i was in Johor Bahru for 3 days and tomorrow i'll be going to Jusco Melaka in conjunction with the JCard day event. my General Manager has instructed me to visit JB at least once a month. so now i have two stores that need to be visited every month. The stores are Jusco Queensbay Mall in Penang and Jusco Tebrau City in Johor. and of course the stores within Klang Valley are my main priority. thank God! i love my job so much! to my GM, sit back and relax cause i won't let you down!

before i log off... to Malay youngsters, listen up! i have no objection if you guys wanna party all nite long but stay away from drugs, alcohol, pre-marital sex and stupid "rokok"! aren't you guys bored of being followers? i have to admit that i was a regular clubber 12 years ago but i've never done all those stupid activities. not many people know that i was a regular customer at almost all famous discos/clubs in KL and PJ (and i'm not proud to say this), but i managed to control myself. bukan nak kata i ni baik sangat tapi alhamdulillah setakat ni 15 dosa besar tu i tak pernah buat dan insyaallah tak akan buat sampai mati. nak tergelak tengok sesetengah orang Melayu yang asal masuk disco je mesti nak minum sampai mabuk. rokok pulak kalau tak habis 5 kotak satu malam tak sah! lepas tu check-in hotel dan puaskan nafsu kuda masing masing! semua nak jadi Mat Salleh sangat! Mat Salleh pun kadang kadang tak macam Melayu kita. macam lah happening sangat benda benda tu semua! bosan bosan! kalau menari je cukuplah. dulu i masuk disco pun pasal nak dengar lagu dan menari je. not more than that.

last of all....no hard feelings guys! keep up the good work and have a nice shopping day! hehehe....

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