dare to dream

Friday, July 14, 2006

Ungu - Demi Waktu

well, have you watched Rossa's video? now i would like to add another exciting video from one of the popular rock groups in Indonesia. this song "Demi Waktu" is one of my favorite songs which i have included in my "10 songs i've listened more than 50 times a day" chart. kindly refer to my May issue for more information.

Ungu came to KL last week to perform at Planet Hollywood and the response given by their fans were superb! they are purely a down to earth piece of band. if you listen to their current hit album, you will realize that all their songs are not only easy listening but also catchy and vibrant. you might have a problem in playing this video. if you are lucky enough, you can watch the video till the end of the song. but if the video stops by itself, please wait for a while until it plays again. it might take some time for the blog to fully upload the video. just keep on trying. anyhow, if you can't watch the entire video, you better grab their album because it is highly recommended. this song is awesome! listen to it and you will definitely agree with me. till then! see you guys next week!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

for this article..what can i say is i'm not really crazy for indonesian song..but i am still adore how u express your interest here..-shoot-..

Anonymous said...

aku suka lagu ni. dengar dua kali tak puas. thanks AC. sekarang gue bisa lihat video nya. kah!kah!kah!