dare to dream

Monday, June 05, 2006

thanks for your support guys!

i've been receiving a lot of good feedbacks lately and i would like to take this opportunity to thank all my close friends (eventhough i've never met some of them in real life) for supporting this blog. most of the good comments come via email. i've noticed that most of my friends do not have their own blogs but still willing to spend some of their precious time to read and send their comments eventhough they are busy with their life and hectic schedule. thanks a million guys! if sending comments/feedbacks via e-mail are more convenient to you guys, i'll be more than happy to read them. i understand that some people need extra privacy and i respect that. last but not least, thanks for your support guys! keep reading, keep blogging, keep rockin'!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are most welcome, my friend!