dare to dream

Sunday, June 11, 2006

i hate smokers who don't respect other people's feelings

hi all! nothing much i wanna say here except to express my anger towards smokers out there who do not respect non smokers' feelings. i had a bad experience yesterday when a group of losers smoking in a fine dining restaurant where smoking is totally and clearly prohibited. these young losers who thought they're cool enuff to break the rules, had irritated many non smokers in the restaurant (the restaurant should remain nameless) including myself. man! i really felt like kicking all of them out of the restaurant! their outfits showed that they're all from wealthy families. they are the kind of people that i call "losers with filthy stinking attitude". to tell you the truth, i am allergic to dust and smoke and can hardly breath properly when the two unwanted things are up in the air near me. and yesterday, i had to control my breath to avoid the 'asap rokok' from entering my lung. bosan gila! even my father could not stand their low class noisy attitude. i sincerely hope smokers out there would be more responsible and respect other people's feelings. being a non smoker since i was born, i've learnt to accept the fact that i have to cope up with this situation day in and day out. even most of my friends are smokers. but they are totally different! they respect non smokers and they are true responsible smokers! they only smoke at smoking areas. kalau nak merokok kat kedai mamak ke, gerai tepi jalan ke atau tempat yang dibenarkan merokok tu tak apalah. there's nothing wrong with that. but not when you guys are in fine dining restaurants, in shopping complexes etc. i hope all of us will respect each other, be united and understand each other's need. all rise! sing "negaraku" with me, will ya! hahaha...


Anonymous said...

hahaha...marah nampak AC? apasal ko tak belasah je budak budak tu. anyway...mana pergi waiter? takkan biarkan je kot?

Meet Encik Kamal said...

taklah marah. cuma rasa nak karate je. hehehe....sebelum aku balik aku tanya sorang staff ni pasal merokok dalam restoran ekslusif tu, dia kata budak budak tu semuanya anak orang kaya. 2 orang daripada mereka anak Tan Sri bai! regular customer lagi! sebab tu boss diaorang biarkan je. lagipun budak budak tu sekali belanja beratus ratus. anyway...smoking area dalam restoran tu memang tak ada. sebab tu lah diaorang merokok juga.

Meet Encik Kamal said...

ginola, aku rasa jam kat laptop ko tu tak jauh beza lah dengan aku punya. cuba tengok! aku jawab pukul 4.26 am. sedangkan ko hantar 4.21 am. confius aku! jam yang salah atau computer kita dah gila? hehehe....kesimpulannya jangan percaya jam kat computer selagi ko tak update.

Anonymous said...

hello brother! lepas ko call aku tadi, terus aku baca blog ko. kah!kah!kah! sebab tu masa tak banyak beza. bila nak karaoke AC? kalau jadik...call aku. prepaid aku baru habis. nanti aku phone ko balik. laptop aku nak habis bateri ni.

nadya.s said...

sama la macam you. I HATE it, when smokers tak reti respect those who didnt smoke..yg berada di persekitaran mereka..

mmg hak mereka utk merokok,tapi, pandai2 la sembur asap kt other direction. selain tu, kalau selalu isap 7-8 batang in one go..time ada non-smoker lepaking with you guys yg merokok tu, pandai2 la kurangkan sket, due respect to those who didnt smoke.

as we all know, 2nd hand smoker - whice is,kita2 yg tukang hidu asap nih..lagi besar possibility utk dapat lung problem and menyebabkan penyakit2 serious.

take care dude!