dare to dream

Sunday, June 04, 2006

bend it like BECKHAM!

hi all! World Cup 2006 is just around the corner. which team that you think will survive till the semi final match? it's hard to predict right? well...as for me, beside Argentina, Holland, Italy, South Korea and France, England is one of my all-time favorite teams. many people have said that England depend more on Wayne Rooney than other players in the team. eventhough i have no objection for that perception...i personally think that Beckham's crosses are the most important thing for England fans to count on. without those amazing crosses from the one and only David Beckham, it will be hard for Rooney or Michael Owen to score goals since they will be closely marked by the defenders of other team. Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard are also good goal providers but history has proven that Beckham played vital role in many international matches. he's not only the best free-kick taker in the world, Beckham is also famous for his charismatic leadership among his teammates. many England players not only look up to him but also listen to him whenever he gives instructions. i actually realize that there are many England fans out there who are not as supportive as they should be when it comes to Beckham's issue. as a fanatic soccer fan, i've tried to be as neutral as i can when analyzing every player's performance and beside unfair comments by sports commentators about David Beckham, i have found a little bit of biased judgement given to him. all football players in the world have their ups and downs - including Beckham. forget about the personal matters or family problem that he faced before and just concentrate on his all-out performance whenever he's on the pitch. i notice some football fans community envy his good looks and fame...but they need to realize that Beckham has contributed a lot to his country and all they, the so-called football fans can do are just big talking, backstabbing and bad mouthing. c'mon dude! be professional! when Beckham makes small mistake, people will act like he has sold his dignity and his country to terrorists but when other players do the same kind of mistake, people will just forgive them so easily. i hope this trend will be demolished soonest as possible. let's treat all players like one of us. to David Beckham, keep up the good work and ignore all negative comments that other people say about you. England must reach at least semi final if not the final match. teamwork is very important and to achieve that, you, as captain of England, must lead other teammates to give only the best in every game you guys gonna play. i'm your true fan and will always support you and your gifted talent no matter come hell or high water. Beckham rules!

to Epol aka Beckham...i miss all the good times we had in UITM. May Allah bless your soul and insyaallah, we'll meet again in jannah. al-fatihah!


Anonymous said...

go beckham go! england is one of the favourites to win the 2006 world cup! i strongly agree with you kamal!

Anonymous said...

ahak! i support your view kamal. eventhough Brazil is the best team on earth, England have the most complete players at the moment.

Anonymous said...

patutlah diaorang cakap you ni fanatik bola. i minat gak main futsal. nak join my team tak? bukan My Team tu ye! hihi..

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!