dare to dream

Thursday, May 25, 2006

when pontianak attacks!

gambar di atas ini dicetak dan dibuat salinan fotostat dan disebarkan sehingga menyebabkan suasana beberapa buah sekolah di Taiping, Perak menjadi tidak tenteram disebabkan ada murid-murid sekolah yang enggan ke sekolah kerana ketakutan. beberapa saksi juga ada memberitahu terdapat juga beberapa buah kedai di Perak yang menjual gambar tersebut dalam bentuk kepingan foto.
pontianak, the most famous ghoul in the land, and also in the region, thanks to not only the stories we hear as we grow up, but also the many, many pontianak movies lately. she often appears as a beautiful woman and there will be a strong scent of ‘bunga kemboja’ (frangipani). men who are not wary will be killed and feasted upon when she morphs into an ugly vampire, but some say she also has a taste for babies and pregnant women. some people believe that carrying a sharp object like a nail could help them in defending themselves from potential attacks by the pontianak, the nail is used to plug a hole in the back of the pontianak’s neck. it is believed that when a nail is plunged there, she would revert to her beautiful self, until the nail is pulled out again. i don't know whether this is true or not but i always believe that any ghosts can be kept away from us by using Al Quran surahs/verses. only Allah can help us whenever we encounter any spooky and scary experience.

one of the Jaya Jusco's staff who used to work at Sunway Pyramid shopping complex told me during lunch hour that he happened to meet a pontianak last December at LL3 (lower level 3) at parking lot area around 12.30 midnite after he had finished counting his store's yearly stock take. he parked his car at LL3 level and when he arrived at the parking area, he noticed that his car was the only car there. when he about to enter his car, he heard someone calling his name, "sham...buat apa tu!". he turned around wondering who's calling him but he failed to find that person. and again the voice appeared but this time a bit louder. then, all of a sudden, he saw a long-haired lady sitting on the floor just 10 metres away, with a long white dress staring at him with one eye as the other eye was covered by her hair. he told me that the pontianak looked exactly like Jue On.

at that time, he realized that he couldn't move his body at all. he was scared to death as the pontianak slowly stood up. he managed to control his body and he quickly got into his car. he tried many times but couldn't start the engine. he lost his patience and screamed for help by opening the door a little bit. he started to cry because he knew he would be a dead meat if nobody came to rescue him. he tried to "azan" but he couldn't do it as his mind was totally uncontrollable. he almost passed out when all of a sudden, the pontianak appeared in front of the car bonnet laughing and screaming at him. he told me that the pontianak looked so horrible and scary. he screamed as loud as he can until he had no energy at all. but suddenly a group of security guards appeared out of nowhere and chased the pontianak. when the pontianak noticed that the guards were just 20 metres from her, she flew directly to the other building and disappeared in the blink of an eye. the guards ran to his car and asked him whether everything was ok. they tried to comfort him as sham was crying like it's already end of the world. after the situation was under control, one of the guards asked him," kamu ok tak? macam mana boleh jumpa hantu tu?"

sham explained to the guards from a to z. then the guard told him," nasib baik kami dengar suara kamu menjerit tadi. kebetulan kami kat tingkat LL2 je. ini bukan kes pertama ni. kes kamu ni sebenarnya kes yang ke 5 sejak 3 tahun kebelakangan ni. lagipun LL3 ni memang kawasan dia. kami memang selalu ternampak pontianak tu tapi alhamdulillah setakat ni kami tak kena kacau teruk teruk. cuma lima orang yang dah kena tu memang malanglah sebab kebetulan diaorang tengah sorang sorang je masa tu. kalau ramai lagi orang biasanya pontianak tu tak muncul. benda ni terpaksa dirahsiakan sebab takut orang tak nak datang shopping kat Sunway Pyramid ni. dulu masa pakcik meronda LL3 ni, tiba tiba je benda tu muncul sebelah pakcik sambil tersenyum. terus pakcik pengsan! nasib baik kawan pakcik jumpa pakcik 2 jam lepas tu."

after a long chat, one of the guards accompanied sham to the exit and after they reached the outside area, sham dropped the guard at the nearest guard post and he quickly sped off!! he told me that on the next day, he met his superior to tender his resignation. his boss was so shocked to hear his story but he tried to persuade sham to stay. but sham sticked to his decision and now he's one of the Jusco employees.

the "almost-the-same" story happened at KLCC shopping complex. but this time it happened at Isetan shopping complex around 11.30 pm about 3 years ago. an ex Isetan staff (she's now working with Jusco at HR Dept), kak zubaidah told me her scary experience after we attended the management meeting yesterday. but this time the pontianak dah tunggu kak zubaidah ni kat tangga depan lift. she even swore to me that she's not lying and it was a true story. but she was lucky when her best friends arrived on time to bring the product supplies to the loading bay. they told her that they didn't see anything. after kak zubaidah told them the whole story, they quickly left the area and went to the guard post.

well guys! after listening to those stories, i rasa i mungkin dah malas nak tengok wayang midnite kat dua tempat tu. takut beb! manalah tahu hari tu nasib tak baik dan kita lupa nak baca doa sebelum keluar rumah...maka kak ponti pun datang menguji keimanan kita, tak ke naya tu! kalau sempat azan takpalah! kalau masa tu fikiran dah kelam kabut...macam mana kan? baca doa dan surah pun dah tak betul masa tu!

oklah! i gotta go now! ingat ye anak anak...jangan biarkan kehidupan anda diselubungi MISTERI!


Anonymous said...

hi dian sastro! hehehe..mana awak dapat info pasal pontianak ni.hebatlah! i suka your blog. ingat nak ada satu...but my pc just brokedown. bila nak letak your own photo?

Meet Encik Kamal said...

hi anna!...thanks a lot for giving me the extra "energy" to share all my personal experiences and opinions to all bloggers out there. i will upload my photo soonest as possible. keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars ya! c'ya!

Anonymous said...

apalah ko AC...tak jadi aku nak tengok mid nite kat Sunway Pyramid hari tu. seram siot!

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.