dare to dream

Sunday, May 21, 2006

the criteria of my future soulmate

semua orang yang belum berkahwin ada dream girl or guy sendiri kan? well...me too! so this time i would like to share with you guys the criteria that i hope i can find in my future soulmate:

1. a matured, down to earth person ( i hope she can click well with my family and of course i will love her family too, sincerely and faithfully)
2. fun-loving, cheerful, and love traveling ( for people who are close to me...they know how cheerful i am. i hope she can cheer me up when i'm down and i will do the same to her. lebih kurang give and take lah kan.haha..)
3. love soccer and support Man United team (optional) (haha...nak tergelak pun ada! itupun kalau dapatlah! kalau tak minat bola pun tak apa. it's not compulsary)
4. a good cook (not a compulsary condition. tahu masak maggi goreng pun i dah bersyukur. haha... in fact, she and i can learn together)
5. love watching movies (i love watching latest movies at TGV or GSC. i hope she will be around to accompany me. kalau tak dapat pun tak apa. benda kecik je)
6. a moderate and simple person (tak banyak ragam. simple all the way)
7. a caring person (everyone knows what caring is all about. not catering ye! itu dah lain dah!)
8. not a self-centered, fierce kind of person (eventhough nobody is perfect but anyone (male or female) who has this attitude should be sent to an isolated island. hahaha...)
9. a good listener (it's nice to have someone who can listen and give her ideas when you need most)
10. a good-hearted, mother-type of person (tak tinggal sembahyang except with good reason, suka kemas rumah, suka senyum, suka kanak kanak dan semua sifat yang kaum ibu biasanya ada. hehehe...)

so those are the criteria guys! mengada ngada betul i ni kan? well...recently, a husband stabbed his wife at her chest while she's breastfeeding her baby. husband macam ni pun ada. campak je orang macam ni kat Gunung Merapi yang tengah nak meletup kat Indonesia tu. tak pun jatuhkan hukuman 30,000 kali sebatan di setiap inci tubuh badan orang tu. lepas tu cabut gigi dia satu persatu tanpa ubat bius. lepas tu suruh dia lompat katak sejauh 100km tanpa henti. kalau ditakdirkan dia bernyawa lagi lepas semua hukuman di atas dijatuhkan...hantar dia ke kelas sains rumahtangga. ajar dia cara cara memasak yang betul dari Chef Wan, cara potong ayam, cara sembelih lembu yang betul dan mengikut syarak masa Hari Raya Korban, cara tukar lampin bayi, cara tidurkan bayi yang betul, cara yang betul buat susu bayi iaitu sukatan air panas dan tepung berapa sepatutnya, cara mendukung bayi yang betul, cara yang betul sewaktu mandikan jenazah, cara yang betul buat nasi lemak, cara ambil gambar yang betul, cara bertutur bahasa Arab yang betul termasuk nahunya sekali, dan yang last sekali ajar dia cara yang betul bagaimana nak menanam pokok kelapa sawit. sekian, terima kasih!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AC...aku setuju candidate tu semua. at least banyak asian kan? taklah sikit sikit omputeh je macam orang lain. teruskan usaha ko! rock on!