dare to dream

Friday, June 11, 2010


a friend of mine called me 15 minutes ago and i was so shocked when he told me that he had divorced his wife after he caught her red handed with another guy in his bedroom. pergh!! to be honest with you guys, i know his wife very well. she's actually one of my classmates masa kat...takpalah, biarlah rahsia. it's just that, my friend, F, is a faithful and loyal person. i don't understand with some people, regardless of race or gender.

sesetengah orang macam tak tahu bersyukur. entahlah. anyhow, i hope my friend F will remain as strong as possible. i have to admit that i'm not the right person to give him a good advice. the only advice that i told him was," ko beristighfar la banyak-banyak sebab Rasulullah SAW dah bersabda, barangsiapa yang beristighfar kepada Allah, maka Allah akan keluarkan dia dari kekecewaan dan mendatangkan rezeki yang tidak disangka-sangka kepadanya." i understand his feeling at the moment. anyway, lebih mudah jaga sekandang kambing dari jaga pasangan yang curang kat belakang. huhu...mudah-mudahan aku tak jumpa jenis yang tak setia macam ni. berkawan biar seribu tapi berkasih biar satu.

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