dare to dream

Thursday, June 24, 2010

i'll do anything for her

Me And My Lovely Mom in Jeddah

i brought my mom to PPUM (Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya) on Monday and the specialists had confirmed that my mom had been diagnosed with cancer. for me, it was undoubtedly the saddest day ever! but i managed to keep myself calm because i did not want my mom to notice how i felt at that moment. it was truly the most emotional moment i ever encountered.

i have promised myself that i will do anything for her and i will make sure that her motivation level will remain and will always be as high as possible. well, i know it's not gonna be as easy as it seems but i will definitely give my level best to accomplish this mission. godwilling, my mom will recover sooner than later, insyaallah.


miss aini punya cerita said...

i pnah rasa ape yg u rs.. u kne kuat so dat ur mom will be strong too.. i will pray for her, insyaALLAH.. TC!!

Meet Encik Kamal said...

thanks dear..alhamdulillah she has fully recovered tapi masih makan ubat dan herba yg disarankan doktor. ;)