dare to dream

Thursday, June 10, 2010

dalam keresahan....

i had started updating my blog yesterday after ignoring it for months. last sekali i update my blog pun bulan October 2009 last year. mmmm...entahlah, lately i feel like there's something bad gonna happen to me. i just can feel it. what i mean by something "bad" is not related to accidents whatsoever but this feeling is the same feeling that i had about a year ago when my ex-girl betrayed me for another "guy". now, the same kind of feeling comes again like a devil in disguise. i've tried to ignore it but it keeps coming through over and over again until i tell myself that, "mungkin Allah nak aku prepare awal-awal kot".

anyhow, the "changes" are there but they are just intangible at the moment. it is just that the "efforts" are getting lesser everyday. i know it's normal for some people. they can easily have a change of heart when they've met someone new or someone better. but that's life anyway. except, i should have known months ago. huh!

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