dare to dream

Wednesday, July 15, 2009



too many plans to be implemented. too many projects to be accomplished. i'm restless. so close but yet so far. gotta move on. gotta be strong. gotta think positive. need to fight till the end. need to pray all the time. hope the sun will shine again. i believe Allah swt will lead me to the right path. i ain't perfect, and i know that. but i know i'm a fighter. like a supersonic jet. i will cruise like a bird. and no more looking back. insyaallah, i will win this game and pass the test. it's absurd. one way another.

sorry guys...i don't know what i'm talking about. i'm just tired. overpaid but at the same time...overwork. did someone mention "overjoyed"? gosh!

anyhow...i love Hilary Duff, so much. she reminds me of someone. really! Hilary Duff reminds me of someone that i used to love with all my heart. she looks like Hilary Duff's twin sister (but of course in Malay version, hehehe...) if she happens to come across this humble blog, i just want her to know that......well, whatever.


Anonymous said...

sape bung? awek yang mana?

Meet Encik Kamal said...

sorry la bro....seperti kata Siti Nurhaliza, biarlah rahsia. hehehe....