dare to dream

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

.....i will carry on with or without you

Hilary Duff

"Someone's Watching Over Me"

Found myself today
Oh I found myself and ran away
Something pulled me back
The voice of reason I forgot I had
All I know is you're not here to say
What you always used to say
But it's written in the sky tonight

So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me

Seen that ray of light
And it's shining on my destiny
Shining all the time
And I wont be afraid
To follow everywhere it's taking me
All I know is yesterday is gone
And right now I belong
To this moment to my dreams

So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me

It doesn't matter what people say
And it doesn't matter how long it takes
Believe in yourself and you'll fly high
And it only matters how true you are
Be true to yourself and follow your heart

So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
That I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even when it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
That someone's watching over
Someone's watching over
Someone's watching over me

Someone's watching over me

Thursday, July 16, 2009

daulat tuanku!

alhamdulillah, i am so fortunate and lucky to have 2 wonderful bosses ever! and they are the one and only Yang Berhormat Mulia Tengku Abdul Halim al Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Ibrahim, Tengku Laksamana Kelantan and his wonderful wife (who is also the Managing Director of Corak Rentak Sdn Bhd) Yang Amat Mulia, Dato' Seri Diraja Tengku Puan Laksamana Sharifah Azwan binti Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail.

i dedicate this post to both YBM Tengku and YAM Ku Puan for being the most humble, amazing and wonderful royals i've ever known.

since i joined this company (Corak Rentak Sdn Bhd/Choc Station Sdn Bhd) in early May, both of them have been treating me so so so well. they are so humble and amazing. for example, i got a bad fever last week and Yang Berhormat Mulia Tengku kept calling me from time to time to ask about my health condition. i was truly amazed by his sincere concern. man....what more can i say.

Yang Berhormat Mulia Tengku called me a few minutes ago just to ask about the situation at both KLIA and LCCT outlets. we had a long chat and guys, trust me...YBM Tengku is the most outstanding person i've ever met. when i first met him, i thought he's like one of us but i was so surprised when he gave me his business card. i was stunned and did not know what to say! masa tu rasa macam bersalah sangat sebab panggil Yang Berhormat Mulia Tengku dengan panggilan "sir" saja. dalam hati mulalah gelabah.

to YBM Tengku and YAM Ku Puan, someday, if i have to leave your company to start my own business, i will never forget the amazing treatment that both of you have given to me till the last breath of my life. both of you are truly "sultan berjiwa rakyat".

please watch this video. my wonderful bosses, Yang Berhormat Mulia Tengku and Yang Amat Mulia Ku Puan can be seen from minutes 2:15 until 2:25. they were sitting quite close to Cik Puan Temenggong Manohara and Tengku Temenggong Kelantan, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra ibni Sultan Ismail Petra.

last of all...to YBM Tengku and YAM Ku Puan, patik rasa bangga dapat mengenali 2 insan yang teramat tawadhuk dan merendah diri. semoga Allah swt panjangkan umur YBM Tengku dan YAM Ku Puan dan semoga sentiasa di dalam rahmat Ilahi. Daulat Tuanku!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009



too many plans to be implemented. too many projects to be accomplished. i'm restless. so close but yet so far. gotta move on. gotta be strong. gotta think positive. need to fight till the end. need to pray all the time. hope the sun will shine again. i believe Allah swt will lead me to the right path. i ain't perfect, and i know that. but i know i'm a fighter. like a supersonic jet. i will cruise like a bird. and no more looking back. insyaallah, i will win this game and pass the test. it's absurd. one way another.

sorry guys...i don't know what i'm talking about. i'm just tired. overpaid but at the same time...overwork. did someone mention "overjoyed"? gosh!

anyhow...i love Hilary Duff, so much. she reminds me of someone. really! Hilary Duff reminds me of someone that i used to love with all my heart. she looks like Hilary Duff's twin sister (but of course in Malay version, hehehe...) if she happens to come across this humble blog, i just want her to know that......well, whatever.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


i went to KLCC this morning, not to shop or hang out with my friends but to pay my post paid bill at MAXIS Centre. as usual, there're a lot of people in KLCC mall but somehow, i felt like hmmm...shopping-wise, i didn't have the "hype" feeling anymore. i only spent 10 minutes there which was undoubtedly the shortest period i'd spent at a shopping mall, ever. i've noticed that for the past few years, shopping malls would be the last venue for me to go during leisure time or on my day off.

things have changed and so do i. nowadays, i spend most of my leisure time in my bedroom, reading magazines and newspapers instead of hanging out with my friends or going to shopping malls. i'd rather lay down on my bed and read as many books as possible. i will switch on the aircond, lay down on my bed and enjoy my life to the fullest by reading magazines and books. i hardly watch tv because most of the movies or programmes on ASTRO are "repeated items". i only watch ESPN or ASTRO Supersport.

i have almost everything in my bedroom. coffee, snacks, candies, maggi...you name it (bisa gemuk gue kalo kayak gini). at nite, after Isyak prayer, i will switch on my laptop and start surfing until midnite. Youtube, Malaysiakini, Harakahdaily, AnwarIbrahim.com, Manchester United.com and Facebook are my favorite sites.

i don't have to work out or exercise anymore. i guess, i walk more than 10 km per day, to and fro, since i have to cover both KLIA and LCCT outlets from time to time. so i have enough exercise already, hehehe...

anyhow, i would like to wish "Happy Belated Birthday" to below individuals:

1) Nadiah Radzidin
2) Chut Nyak Izani aka CN
3) Siti Natrah Izanie

and to Siti Nadia Ilyani, i would like to wish you "Selamat Pengantin Baru". may Allah swt bless your marriage, and your lovely hubby and you will live together happily everafter.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

super ego

i would like to openly apologize to some parents who think that i have gone overboard in my previous post. but at the same time, i want them to understand that it is wrong for us to use the "harsh" way in educating our childdren, no matter how noble our intention is. eventhough we want our children to succeed in their life, the word "success" alone is too general to be defined by all of us. if some parents think that success is measured by how many As that their children get in their UPSR, SPM and SRP exams, then they are totally wrong. if they also think that success can only be achieved by "forcing" their children to study 24/7, then i pity them with all my heart.

dear parents, please be kindly informed that life is too short for super egos. we should put our differences aside and work towards better achievement but in a better way. if we want to compete with others just for the sake of our ego and pride, i'm afraid that our children will be the victim of this scenario. so think wise, think twice!