dare to dream

Friday, July 18, 2008



is Anwar Ibrahim the most wanted criminal in Malaysia? is Anwar Ibrahim a serial killer? if not, why police has to bring the UTK commandos to arrest him? this is ridiculous? police should do this to Nurin Jazlin's killer and not Anwar? what's wrong with Malaysia today? arghhhh.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi kamal,

if he is an innocent man, he has got nothing to be afraid of. they are so many people (his followers) have so much faith in him. I m just thinking, why not he goes around the country (just like what he did for champaining during election & reformasi), meet all the people (regardsless of their political background) and ask them together with him to perform the solat hajat. Mohon pada Allah ditunjukkan kebenaran. Hanya Dia yg Maha Mengetahui. I really think he should do that. Like what you said the truth will prevail. - ayu