dare to dream

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


2 comments from Maya:

1)what i want to say is DSAI will do anything utk menjadi seorang perdana menteri. bila ada DSAI mesti ada perhimpunan sana sini. bab sodomized, i have no comment. itu antara dia & ALLAH - maya-

2)jgn hanya bercakap tentang isu minyak, ingat dulu tentang IMF, BLR, nasib baik Tun Mahathir was around untuk betulkan keadaan

my sincere reply:

thanks maya! but i guess you were "di alam maya" when you accused Anwar of using IMF, BLR and bla, bla, bla...trust me, you actually know nothing about the whole issue. if you watched the debate last nite, Anwar did mention about the issue of IMF and he's willing to explain and debate on that issue if he's given the same opportunity in the near future. i guess you are either a poser or an unethical UMNO agent who will accept all bad comments about Anwar without making a thorough research on certain issues. my advice is, stop giving a comment on something that you actually heard from "someone" else and not from your own research. otherwise, you will look as stupid as other people. Tun Mahathir? Have you studied Lingam's case yet?. Korek! Korek! Korek!. Anwar wants to become PM? Najib, Muhyiddin Yassin, Ali Rustam, Shahrir Samad and other UMNO leaders are also eyeing that very post. so what's wrong if Anwar wants to become PM as long as his intention is noble, sincere and for the sake of Malaysia and rakyat? just because his name is Anwar Ibrahim, you don't want him to become PM? i also want to hold that position if i have the opportunity in the future and SO DOES every normal human being on this planet. but again....since his name is Anwar Ibrahim, people will keep saying that he is crazy to become a PM. but what if his name is Najib Tun Razak or Khairy Jamaluddin? i believe you will support him wholeheartedly. hahaha...grow up sister!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Malaysia is making a fool of it's country credibility with the stupid accusation of sodomy towards Datuk Seri Anwar. I just wonder if Malaysia have any other better things to do besides creating all this havoc and defamation towards this man. I feel this country sooner or later will go down the drain. There is so much problems that has to be cater immediately rather than creating unnecessary problems! Think globally....others are just laughing hard at Malaysia in this circus arena. Anwar Ibrahim is a man of courage, strong and patience. He reminds me of Prophet Muhammed (just in case I'm not a muslim) that has charisma and eventhough he(Prophet Muhammed) has been defamed, he remains calm and faithful to God. Truth will prevail.....eventhough the Malaysian Jugde, government has been paid and bribe....truth will prevail. Stay cool Datuk Seri Anwar.