dare to dream

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

my weaknesses

as a human being, i have my strengths and weaknesses that i would like to share with all of you. let's start with my weaknesses first:

1) i don't like washing machine. i'd rather wash my own clothes using my two hands than putting them in a washing machine. for me, it's ok if other people wanna use washing machine as long as the clothes are not mine. should i start using washing machine? mmmmm....no way hose!

2) i like instant noodle. especially the "Maggi" brand. if i don't eat any type of instant noodles for 2 weeks, bisa rasa aneh sih!. should i stop eating instant noodle? mmmmm.....maybe after i get married.

3) when everybody starts reading a newspaper or a magazine from the front page, i'd rather start from the back page. this weird habit started when i was in Form 5. should i start reading newspaper or magazine from front page? mmmmm.....no way hose!

4) don't ask me to sleep at 11 pm because i can't! yup....NO MATTER HOW TIRED I AM, i can only fall asleep at 1 am or the latest will be at 3 am. should i go to bed at 11 pm? mmmmmm......i don't know!

5) i'm not a big fan of any waterfall recreation spots in Malaysia. i mean, i can swim at sea, lake, river or big swimming pool but not waterfall. well...it all started in 1986 (i was 12 years old) when i almost drowned at one of the famous waterfall spots in Ipoh. i thought i was going to die but alhamdulillah, my father noticed the critical situation that i was facing and he quickly pulled myself up and asked me what actually happened. i told my father that i could feel "someone" tried to pull myself down and kept pulling my leg repeatedly until i lost my balance and energy. the scary part is, i did not see anyone down below and my father told me that i was drowned for almost 5 minutes! as a result, i didn't go to any waterfalls for almost 12 years sebab phobia punya pasal. but sekarang ni dah ok sikit. kalau setakat main air kat tempat cetek tu berani la. kalau nak ke tengah sikit je, mula la baca Ayat Kursi 3 kali takut kena tarik hantu air lagi. hehehe.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hallo.. now i know why u asked me to teach to the friendster thingy.. hehehe.. (^_^)