dare to dream

Monday, August 27, 2007

5 most unforgettable experiences ever!

hi hi!

i would like to share with all of you the 5 most unforgettable experiences i ever had in my life. read on...

1) a few years back, someone that i loved wholeheartedly had a love affair with another guy months before she decided to call our relationship a day. the sad part is, she simply put all the blames on my shoulder. i guess, when someone has no more interest in continuing a relationship, he/she will try hard to find lame excuses. and the weird part is, months before she "double crossed" me, she kept on saying that i was a liar, playboy, dishonest, unfaithful and the list goes on....hello, has the world turned upside down yet?

2) have you ever cried your heart out at least once in a lifetime? well, i have. when my ex-girl left for Perth, Australia, i drove my motorbike alone and cried all the way from KL to UITM Shah Alam. no one realized that i was crying like a baby because my helmet covered the whole face. what? wanna know why? hmmmm...because i loved my ex so much and at that time, i really missed her like crazy!!

3) when i was in Form 3 at Sekolah Menengah Sains, Teluk Intan, my Form 5 seniors beat me like a stray dog just because i did not want to wash their clothes. i was punched and kicked by almost 15 seniors, all at one time. they even used hockey sticks to smash my leg. but Allah s.w.t was and will always be with me (in fact, all of us) and a miracle happened when i went out the dorm safely with only minor injuries. some of my seniors were speechless and could not believe their eyes! let me share one secret with all of you, a secret that never being unveiled before. if you happen to face this kind of critical situation, just pray in your heart and keep on saying "selawat" for Prophet Muhammad s.a.w as much as u can. trust me....selawat is the best self defence tool ever existed on earth!

4) in November 2005, my family and i were involved in the scariest car accident ever near Kampar, Perak. a 4 wheel drive Ford Ranger hit my Waja so badly after the driver lost control and his truck skidded before hitting the front side of my car. alhamdulillah, we were safe eventhough my mom had a fractured leg and i had few bruises and cuts on my right chest. i couldn't raise my right hand for a month and up until today, i can still feel the pain on my right chest especially at night.

5) when i was performing "solat tarawih" in Masjidil Haram during Ramadhan month in 2004, i saw a beg owned by a big Arab guy who was praying next to me, followed all the steps of solat such as rukuk, sujud etc. i was so shocked at that time and couldn't concentrate on my solat for a few minutes. i kept on looking at the beg curiously just to ensure that i was not dreaming. but believe it or not...that beg really prayed with all of us and when we performed the rukuk part, i saw the beg bent its body a little bit and when it came to sujud part, the beg slowly fell on the floor and stayed like that for a few seconds. the process happened continuously until we completed our solat. then i asked the Arab guy whether he noticed something strange with his beg during solat and he said no. when i asked him again, the Arab guy said," are you dreaming? stop asking stupid question and start concentrating on our next rakaat". i felt a bit frustrated because no one seemed to see what i had seen based on the normal reaction. i swear to God that the beg was performing solat with all of us but surprisingly, no one realized it. i didn't tell my sister about this experience to avoid any misperception but i will definitely tell her someday.

so guys...those are by far,the 5 most unforgettable experiences i ever had and i will unveil more stories in the near future. till then...keep cool, keep healthy and keep reaching for the stars!

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