dare to dream

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

memories remain forever

i incidently found my very old thumb drive yesterday and was so surprised to discover the photos that i snapped (when performing umrah Ramadhan in 2004 with my kakak tersayang) are still in pristine condition! i thought, after being kept in a dark cold bag for many years, everything that i had saved in the thumb drive must be all gone and cannot be traced anymore. if i'm not mistaken, i had washed the old bag many times before without realizing the existence of the thumb drive in that bag. logically, the way it is supposed to be, the thumb drive cannot be used anymore and can be considered as damaged item (macam PA zero lah pulak!).

so, in order to reminisce all the good memories that i had gone through there, i herewith attached some of the photos for "tatapan" my dear friends and colleagues. i was quite "kurus" at that time compare to sekarang. pergh!!

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