dare to dream

Thursday, December 07, 2006

welcome to AEON/Jusco CN and Azhar!

gorgeous Darina Albakri in Madrid, Spain

Tentang Dia

after almost 6 months working as the only ex-San Francisco Coffee staff in Jusco's NBD Department, 2 of my good friends from SFCC are now part of Jusco team. Azhar has joined this public listed company last month and the other one CN will join Azhar next week. they have the leadership skills, talent and experience that i want to support NBD team to become the best department in AEON/Jusco. my personal target is to train them to become my Area Managers in less than 2 years (insyaallah). starting 1st of January 2007, i will have 10 managers working under me and i need to make sure that all of them meet company's expectations (which i believe they can) before we open more stores next year based on the original plan. Jusco/NBD department at the same time is planning to open more than 50 outlets before 2010 and i hope this plan will succeed so that i can create better career growth within this department.

so to Azhar and CN, you guys have made the right choice. AEON/Jusco is a company that provides job security, career development, lucrative rewards and a place where you guys can work for so so so many years, insyaallah! untuk 2 orang boss saya yang sangat baik dan amat memahami, Puan Subaidah Sidek and Mr. Wakayama Kazunori, thanks for putting your trust in me and insyaallah, i won't disappoint you guys! till then...


Anonymous said...

Kirim salam azhar pink nipples n Cn Bung. NBD tuh aper?

Meet Encik Kamal said...

NBD tu New Business Development. By the way...siapa ni ya? hahaha...budak San Fran la ni.